Chapter 33: old clothes

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"James. Maybe we should reschedule." I said and put a hand on his shoulder.

He looked at me, eyes dark and grin gone. That was anger. But he didn't say anything.

"I'll just change, and -" I started but was cut off.

"Don't. I like it. It suits you. Looks good." Elizabeth said and stepped out of the doorway and into the hall.

"Oh... okay." I looked back at James and let go of his shoulder. I gave him a small smile and left with Elizabeth.

"So everything fine between you two?" She asked while we walked down the hall.

"I guess. I mean, we're roommates now." I said and rounded the corner.

"Oh my god, they were roommates." Donovan said fake shockingly.

"Oh hey, Donovan." I said and smiled.

"We go out shopping, getting you the raddest shit ever, and you show up wearing....that?" He said almost hurt and gestured at my outfit.

"Watch it. That was one of my favorites." Elizabeth teased.

"Can't imagine you wearing something so old school." He chuckled and dramatically clung to her side.

"It was peak fashion when James bought it. And I looked amazing in it." She said and sighed. "I didn't think he'd keep my things. Allthough, I guess it fits his character. He's so nostalgic, don't you think y/n?" Elizabeth asked curiously.

"I guess so. I glad he kept it. It's such a pretty outfit." I answered and smiled to myself.

"True." She said simply. "Now let's face the present. I'm hungry." She added, and we continued our walk through the night.

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