Los Pierce The Veils

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*Scarlette's POV*

Alex was helping me pack all of my stuff back up so that I could go back home.

"You can stay here longer if you want..." Alex told me as I was folding a t-shirt.

"I miss home, though."

"You're not bothering me by being here, I wouldn't mind if you stayed longer."

"I think that it would just be nice that I got back to my house. You know, where I live." I walked over to the drawer to take out my charger and noticed the note that I had gotten the day before Christmas Eve. I quickly shoved both the charger and the note under some shirts.

"My casa is your casa." Alex said, mixing Spanish with English.

"Don't ever do that again." I laughed.

"I'll just get Pierce The Veil to say it for you." Alex replied.

"Yeah, and how are you going to do that?"

"Well, I was supposed to tell you later, but Jack, Rian, Zack, and your band are taking a week-long vacation to San Diego. Since All Time Low are friends with Pierce The Veil, and they live in San Diego, I thought we could introduce your band to them." Alex explained.

"Yeah, sounds fun!"

After I got my suitcase packed, I drove home and immediately took everything out so I could throw it in the washing machine. I took the note out and set it to the side. As I went through the clothes, I noticed that Alex had snuck three of his AWG sweatshirts into my bag. I smiled and shook my head as I threw them on clothes hangers, setting them aside for me to put in my closet later.

I started up the washing machine and carried Alex's sweatshirts up to my room. So you know how people's houses have a certain smell? Well the sweatshirts smelled like Alex's house. It's sort of like a mixture of cologne and strong scented hairspray mixed together with "Fresh Linen" scented air-fresheners.

The faint sound of City Lights by Motionless In White entered my ears, which was my set ringtone for Alex, so I ran downstairs to answer my cellphone.

"Oh, Scarlette, just so you know, we're leaving for San Diego tomorrow."

"I just unpacked my bags!" I whined and Alex laughed in response.

"I'll pick you up at eleven tomorrow afternoon and we'll meet everyone at the airport."

"Okay, sounds good." I replied, "And I know you think you're smooth for sneaking your clothes into my suitcase."

"You found them?" I could hear the amusement in Alex's voice.

"How could I not?"

"See you tomorrow, Scarlette." Alex chuckled before hanging up.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Wake up, Scarlette, my shoulder hurts." I was being nudged awake by Alex.

"What time is it..?" I muttered.

"Two o'clock, Pacific time."

"And that is?"

"Eleven in the afternoon, Eastern time." Alex replied.

I lifted my head and yawned, staring out of the window of the plane. We were scheduled to land in about thirty minutes. Our plan was to buy a rental car, drop our stuff off at our hotel, and then meet up with Pierce The Veil at this one restaurant that I forget the name of.

"Are you excited?" Alex asked.

"I'm nervous."


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