The Party Scene

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*Scarlette's POV*

For parties, Avery and I no longer wear dresses. We only wear jeans and t-shirts. That's because every party in the past that our band has come to, Jesse always says or does something that ends in foods or drinks getting spilled on us by the end of the night. It took Avery and I several ruined dresses to realize that Jesse is a bad luck charm.

And everyone hates me for this, but I'm that one person that shows up thirty to forty minutes early for everything. So we got to the All Time Low bus at about 8:20. I knocked on the bus door with Avery, Jesse, and Hudson standing behind me. The drummer opened the door, saw us, then shut it. I turned around to look at Avery and she shrugged her shoulders with a puzzled look on her face.

"Hold on, I'll text Jack." I said and took out my phone.

"I know we're really early, but we're outside and nobody is letting us in."

Jack replied almost instantly.

"That was you who just knocked?"


"Rian thought you guys were fans or something XD You guys can just walk in"

I opened the door to see the four guys. The bassist was playing on his phone, the drummer was sitting next to Jack and the singer was watching TV.

"I'm sorry that Rian is such a dick." Jack said while definitely taking a double take at Avery.

"I'm sorry that Scarlette made us come almost an hour early!" Avery said, giving me a glare.

"It's fine!" Rian chuckled, "but most of the people that come show up like thirty minutes late. You guys can just stay here, it's not like we're doing anything."

I saw Jesse stare at Jack quizzically. I can predict right now that something will go horribly wrong.

"So, I don't know you people! What are your names?" Avery asked.

"I'm Jack, but I'm pretty sure you already knew that."

"Don't lie to them!" The singer cut in, "your name is Debbie and you're my slutty assistant!"

"And over there is Alex. Or more commonly known as Asshole!" Jack shot back to the singer.

All of us laughed except Jesse. He needs to seriously lighten up.

"I'm Rian." The drummer said.

"And I'm Zack." The bassist muttered.

"Oh, I didn't get a chance to tell you this earlier, but I like your nose ring!" Avery said to Zack, "Scarlette made me leave because she was afraid of Alex."

Everyone looked at me. It was that socially awkward moment when you just want to go home and hide underneath your blankets. Or maybe just delete yourself from the universe. And then everyone laughed.

"You're afraid of a kid with pink hair!" Jack laughed hysterically, "if there's anyone in this band that would be scary, it would most likely be me!"

"Why did Alex scare you?" Rian asked, obviously trying really hard not to laugh.

"She said that he kept staring at her." Avery answered for me. That's when I saw the look on Alex's face. He probably feels the same way I do. Embarrassed. He started coughing nervously.

"Yeah, I actually noticed that," Zack said, "why were you staring at her?"

"Well, I liked"

Okay that's definitely a lie.

"Actually he didn't scare me, I just wanted to head back to the bus..." I said, trying to make this less awkward.

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