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It's been five years since my "death." It's been five years since I hid at my own funeral watching Tessa completely break.

I wish I didn't have to do something so horrible. I've watched her over the years and she hasn't been the same since I left her like that.

I loved her more than anyone. I still do. So it hurts that I had to leave her. It wasn't my choice though.

My father, Massimo DeLuca was a greatly feared man. Well, in my home country.

My father led the Italian Mafia.

He was a ruthless motherfucker. He killed without batting an eye. If someone owed him money, he'd give them a chance to bring it back to him. However, if they failed to pay him in his own time, they'd be dead.

He never killed children and tried his best to stay away from killing women. But, business is business as he would say.

He suffered a heart attack at 48 years old leaving the throne to me.

Although he died young, in his line of work that was a peaceful way to go. Most men like my father are the most hated by many. Lots of people wanted my fathers' head on a silver platter, obviously they never got what they wished for.

But, my father had orders in place for after his death as a don with many enemies.

As his only son, I'd take on the lovely job of being the don. To him, this was a gift to me. He'd been training me since the ripe age of fifteen.

I never let Tessa get wind of anything that went on in my household as far as mafia business goes. Tessa always loved me and protected me from what she could.

Now, I have decided that I cannot live any longer without my Tessa.

As the son of Massimo DeLuca, his enemies now want me dead. Therefore, before I actually die, my last memories with Tessa cannot be of her being broken over my "death."

I stepped out of my car and immediately spotted my Tesoro.

She's still as beautiful as she was when I last saw her. She's possibly even more beautiful.

Her brown, loose curls blow in the wind as she wipes each tear off of her face.

As I walked closer to her I could her her sobs. As each tear fell, my heart broke a little more.

"I miss you, Gio." she said quietly. God, I've missed her beautiful voice.

"I've missed you too, Tesoro." I said back, placing my hand on her warm, tanned shoulder.

She turned around, looking at me and instantly went pale.

I expected her to be surprised, angry even. However, she looks like she might be sick.

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