19| Vengeful

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"Hey, bambina. It's time to wake up. We're here." was the first thing I heard when I opened my eyes.

    After a not so long flight, Gio was waking me up so that we can go back to his home in Italy.

    Despite my extensive resting, I don't feel refreshed at all. My head is pounding and my throat is incredibly itchy. My nose is hardly helping with the process of breathing. Shit, I'm getting sick.

    As soon as my eyes were completely open, Gio and I made eye contact. An immediate flash of concern covered his face.

"Tesoro, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." I lied.

"Okay.." he reluctantly replied. He probably sees right through my lies.

    We got off of the plane first and we were then followed by Leo, Chiara, Andrea and Marco.

    Leo and Andrea were going to come back with us originally, that was planned. However, Chiara and Marco weren't going to come along.

   Chiara ended up begging Alessandra to come back home because she missed her friends. Marco is one of Gio's men. He seems nice. He's apparently only nineteen years old, younger than I thought. He's kind of quiet and his brother is Carlo. Carlo is a few years older than Marco, he's twenty six. Gio and Leo refer to them as the "Costa brothers." From what Gio tells me, Carlo and Marco usually stay in Greece, however, they've decided to return to their home country.

    When I asked Gio why Carlo wasn't coming along with us, he said that Marco was helping him with some business. When I asked about the business, Gio refused to answer. However, he did tell me that Carlo will be meeting us in Italy, later.

    In no time, we made it back to Gio's beautiful home. Chiara is staying in a separate wing of the house because she likes her privacy. I'm not sure where Gio and I stand though. Should I go back to the room I was staying in previously? Should I start sleeping in Gio's room?

I'll probably go back to the room I was in before.


    As the time passed, I began feeling worse. My headache now worsened with each cough. My throat feels incredibly sore. Everything hurts.

"Tesoro? Are you sure you're okay?" Gio stood in front of me while I was sprawled out on the couch watching Gilmore Girls.

"It hurts, Gio." I groaned.

"What hurts, amore?" his brows furrowed in concern and his mouth turned into a frown.

"Everything." I pouted.

"Okay. Come here."

"Gio wha-" I tried to protest as he picked me up bridal style.

"Shh, let me take care of you, tesoro."

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