25| In the End

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TW! mentions of r4pe, abuse, d3ath & violence

TW! mentions of r4pe, abuse, d3ath & violence

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"So, who is it? Who took her?" Leo asked as I had just made the connection we've been searching for.

"Boss?" I didn't answer as I was caught up in my thoughts.

It's Leah and Cyrus Ivanov.

Siblings and asserts of the dirty Russian mob. I have no doubt that I'm correct about this. Their new don, Cyrus has just risen to power.

For years, he was stuck lurking in the shadows of his father. His father passed last year and now Cyrus is the don. I know he's been waiting to strike me for what I did to him.

I killed his best friend, Omar. However, it wasn't for the outrageous reason he tells everyone. The so called truths he spews to everyone are never really the truth.

As for his sister, Leah, she's another power hungry whore who's only after my money. I feel utterly stupid for not realizing who she was at the gala. I could've saved Tessa from whatever they've put her through. I failed at protecting her.

I've failed her countless times.

I won't fail her this time. I swear on my life that hers will be saved. At whatever cost.

"Giovanni!" my annoying cousin raised his voice, pulling me out of my trance.

"It was the Ivanov's." I looked at him with a straight face before quickly looking away. I turned my attention to a book that sat on my desk.

"The Russians? What do they want with you? With her?" Leo looked at me with confusion while I continued to look away.

"Cyrus Ivanov is their new don, his best friend was Omar." I knew I didn't have to say much for Leo to remember what we call the Omar situation.

Omar, the sick excuse for a man wasn't as innocent as Cyrus has painted him out to be. He isn't innocent at all.

Omar was a Russian mobster and sex trafficker. He abused, raped, molested and killed dozens of women and children. Innocent women and children. Cyrus knows this. He just doesn't seem to care. In his twisted mind, Omar was his best friend before he was a vile, perverted monster.

He stole large sums of money and drugs from my mafia as well. Before his death, he had more plans to rob me with his sad ass army. I do not tolerate stealing, however, that was the least of my worries in that moment. I wanted to get revenge for those women and children.

Unfortunately, there weren't many survivors out of his large sum of victims. I saved the ones who were able to be saved. My biggest regret in the situation was not finding out about his sick antics sooner.

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