26| Sweetest Soul

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TW! This chapter contains some heavy themes & situations.

TW! This chapter contains some heavy themes & situations

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    Two months had passed since the death of Tessa's parents.

    Tess was obviously sad after they died and I stayed with her every step of the way. I could'nt just leave her alone. Well, she wasn't exactly alone. She had Becky.

    Becky and Tessa stayed in her parents' house for the first three months after their deaths. Tess said she couldn't bring herself to leave because that was the last place the three of them had been together.

    While I knew Tessa well before everything happened, her parents death revealed something to me. It revealed how truly pure and forgiving she is. Even after the way they treated her, she stood up at their funeral and spoke nothing but great things about them. She still does at times. Her soul is the sweetest I've ever known.

    However, one day, that was almost taken from me. From her. From the world.

    I walked into Tessa's fairly large, yet cozy home and saw Becky baking cookies in the kitchen. She was wearing headphones and dancing to whatever song was playing. We made eye contact and she automatically knew what I was there for. She gestured towards the stairs to let me know that Tessa is upstairs.

    Sixteen year old me walked up the stairs and was met with loud music which was coming from Tessa's room. I knocked on the door and called out her name but she ignored me, which I expected.

    I came by not only to check on her, but to apologize. I accidentally lashed out on her causing a stupid, minor argument to start. I've never liked arguing with her and I could never stay mad at her for long periods of time. My dad had been putting me under lots of stress with training sessions and business. I wasn't angry at her, I was angry at him. I just stupidly took it out on her.

    I continued standing by the door, waiting for her to open it but she never did. Serene music continued to play leaving me to believe that she was really mad and drowning me out.

"Tesoro, I'm sorry, okay? I know you're mad. I just want to talk...to apologize." I said through the door and received no response.

    With concern and frustration flooding my mind, I opened her bedroom door, breaking the wall between us.

"Tessa?" I scanned her room to see that she wasn't in there.

     Music continued to play from the speaker on her nightstand and there was an open notebook left on her bed.

    I quickly saw two notes on her bed with mine and Becky's name written on them.

     With furrowed brows, I turned the corner and walked into her small bathroom. Shock took over my expression as I saw her sitting on the bathroom floor.

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