4| Uncle Antonio

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    My uncle, Antonio DeLuca was my fathers' older brother.

    Despite traditional customs, my Uncle Antonio was the underboss while my father was the don. Still, to this day, I'm not sure why that is. I do know that my uncle can be a fucking prick.

    I'm the don. Me. Giovanni DeLuca. However, he still has some sort of power over me. Maybe it's just apart of me respecting my elders. Maybe it's the countless times I've gotten hurt because of him.

    Or, maybe it's the fact that he came to my home in the middle of the night when I was seventeen, to bring my family and I to Italy. Although my father set this up, Antonio executed the plan.

    He could've somehow fucked the system, making his way to the Don position. But, he's a pussy and can't handle the job. Maybe that's why my dad became the don and my uncle didn't.

    After moving Tessa's head off of my lap I got up, immediately missing the feeling of her touch.

    I walked down the long hallway, meeting my glorious uncle at the front door.

"You really shouldn't keep your guests waiting, nipote." he said in his annoying, boastful voice.

"Well, you weren't exactly invited.." I mumbled.

"What was that?" his voice had a threatening tone.

"Niente. To what do I owe this...visit." I faked a smile, deciding not to use any of the colorful words that lingered on my mind.

"Is there anyone else here at the moment, nipote?"

What is he up to?

"Well, there's me, some of my men, my maids, my chef and now you."

"Don't fucking play smart with me, Giovanni." he got increasingly angry, grabbing me by my collar, slamming me against the wall.

"I don't know what the fuck you're going on about. What are you here for?" I pushed him off of me.

"So che hai portato il tuo culo ignorante in California e hai riportato quella stronza con te." he spoke loudly and gritted his teeth causing the veins to damn near burst from his forehead.

(I know you took your ignorant ass to California and brought that bitch back with you.)

"Non so di cosa stai parlando." I denied his claims knowing that he would try to take Tessa away from me, or even worse, hurt her.

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