17| Like Old Times

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"Hey Don, I have an update." Leo said from over the phone.

It had now been hours since I took care of our issue with Tobias, Antonio and Lauren.

I gave Leo the job of taking care of Lauren which felt like a full circle moment. My father once gave a man the job to take care of Lauren Sariano, that man was Tobias. Luckily, I know that Leo would never betray me the way Tobias did to my family.

"Did everything go well?" I asked.

"For the most part. She just cried a lot." Leo updated me on the outcome of our plan.

I have connections almost anywhere. I was able to get Lauren put into a women's prison in Mexico. Unfortunately for her, that was the only place I thought she'd never get out of. It's easier for me, I don't have to constantly watch her.

"Okay. Thanks for your help, Leo."

"Anytime boss." I hung up the phone.

I unbuttoned my suit jacket and sat back down on the hospital chair next to a sleeping Tessa.

Tino came out of surgery a few hours ago. Thankfully he made out well. The doctors said that there were no complications and the surgery went as planned. They'll need to keep him for a little while longer for observation though.

I looked to my left and Tessa's warm eyes fluttered open.

"Gio?" she whispered while rubbing her eyes.

"I'm here, tesoro."

"How's Tino?" she jumped up as if she'd forgotten about everything for a second.

"He's okay. He's been sleeping." she nodded in response resulting in us sitting in silence.

"Hey, are you hungry?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, actually, I am." I got up from my seat and she followed.

"What are we gonna eat around here at...four in the morning?" she asked while looking at her phone.

"Hospital food." I replied, causing her to laugh a little. God, I love the sound of her laugh.

"You know what?" she looked up and over at me with a hint of sleepiness lingering in her eyes still.

"What, prinicipessa?"

"Your mom told me that the cafeteria here stays open constantly and it has really good food."

"Then let's find it."


After finding the hospital cafeteria we sat at a table together to eat. It was basically empty, due to the time. Three doctors sat at a table and drank coffee together, but those were really the only other people in the room.

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