29| I Heard You

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       I stood next to Tessa in shock. The pace of my heartbeat quickened and my thoughts began racing. My eyes were left widened and suddenly, my brain went blank as she repeated the words she'd said before.

"Um...sir? Who are you?" the expression on her face displayed confusion and her tone remained serious.

       I can't seem to believe that she could've forgotten me. How could she just forget all of our memories? I don't want to accept the fact that she no longer remembers everything we've ever done or said to each other.

"Tesoro, it's me, Gio." I watched as her mouth turned up into an evil smirk before she broke out into a fit of laughter.

"Tessa wh-"

"Gio, I remember you. I'm sorry, I've just always wanted to do that." she continued to laugh before she held her ribs and winced as she's feeling residual pain.

"Are you trying to kill me, amore?" I laughed off the partial heart attack she'd almost given me.


       I couldn't even be mad at her for the joke she played on me after seeing her smile. I'd never been more relieved in my life, after she opened her beautiful, brown eyes. If anything, I was more surprised at how calm she'd been after all she's been through.

"I'm sorry, G. The look on your face was priceless though." she chuckled, yet again flashing her warm smile.

       I seemed to catch her by surprise as I carefully wrapped my arms around her and held her close to my chest.

"God, you have no idea how much I've missed you." I continued holding her and my mom finally re-entered the room reminding me that she had even left.

"My goodness. Cara mia, you're awake!" my mom spoke loudly with clear excitement and relief behind her tone.

"Alessandra, hi!" Tessa smiled warmly and my mom put the coffees she'd gotten onto the table and seemingly pushed me out of the way to pull Tessa into a strong hug.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again!" she said, continuing to squeeze Tessa.

"I'll try." she chuckled.



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       A couple hours later, Alessandra had left and gone back to Gio's place. Currently, Leo has come by with some of my belongings to make me more comfortable. Strangely enough, the man who seems very serious was happy to see me awake. He even brought me a silly balloon and a "Get Well Soon" card.

       As the tall man in the suit handed me the gifts, he quickly greeted Gio before turning his focus to me.

"Nice to see you awake, piccola."


"Thanks Leo." I smiled and he made his visit short and sweet by saying his goodbyes and leaving the room.

       Meanwhile, Gio and I were left alone to watch oddly interesting hospital television. The TV channels are only available in Italian here, so Gio has been translating what I don't understand.

       The doctors and nurses have come in over time to check on me and make sure I remain well. They say that they're going to keep me for a few more days for observation just to make sure I'm alright.

       In between the consultations with the doctors and nurses, Gio filled me in on the recent events. He reassured me that Leah and Cyrus were gone and that they'd never be able to hurt me again. He told me how long I was out for and how Bianca and Tino are also back, along with Alessandra. He brought multiple smiles to my face when he told me the silly things Tino had been doing lately like playing the drums on pots and pans in the kitchen.

       Gio has been questioning my mental state since I've woken up. It feels like he's asked me the question: "Tesoro, are you sure you're okay?" about one million times. I know he's simply just worried about me. However, I'm not lying when I tell him that I'm okay. I truly mean it. As long as he's by my side, I'll be okay and feel at ease.

       For a moment, I glanced at the tattooed man sitting beside me and he quickly caught on. We shared an intense exchange of eye contact for a few moments before I said the words that had been lingering on my mind.

"It wasn't your fault, Gio." he had turned his attention back to the small television on the wall for just a second before returning his attention to me.

       He looked at me trying to figure out what I was talking about. I'm referring to the incident.

       What Gio doesn't know is that I could hear him when he spoke to me while I was asleep. It was almost horrifying. I couldn't speak back to him or even squeeze his hand. Being unresponsive like that made me very grateful for one of my most useful senses; my hearing.

"What do you mean, Tess?"

"I mean, you were busy the night of the gala and you didn't know what Leah was going to do to me. I could hear you, Gio. While I was asleep, I could hear every word. You apologized to me probably twenty times."

"But Tes-"

"No, Gio. Don't sit here and explain to me what you could've done. You did all you could, and I'm okay now." I reassured him, placing my hand on the side of his face as he came closer to me.

"So, you could really hear me?" his face showed a hint of embarrassment.

"Yes and I heard you threaten that nurse. That was not nice at all." I giggled after using a sarcastically stern tone with him.

"Come on, he deserved it." Gio folded his arms and leaned back in his chair.

"You threatened to shoot him in both legs if I didn't wake up soon!"

"Well, it's a good thing for him that you woke up not too long after I said that." Gio said with a straight face making the both of us crack up a few seconds later.

       It's good to be back here. Back with him.

1024 words 💞

A/N- Hey guys! I'm sorry for the very very short chapter, I had to update though!

The writers block with this story has been real.

Anyway, excuse any mistakes in this chapter, I still have to edit it. I hope y'all enjoyed!

Until next time,

-defnottb 💋

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