6| Movie Night

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People have many different beliefs. One of the biggest controversies is where we go when we die.

Some believe that if you do right by god you'll go to heaven and if you don't, you'll go to hell. Now, what if that's true...but with a catch?

What if the people who have had an amazing life with little to no struggle are the ones who go to hell. I mean, they've already experienced their heaven, right? Maybe that's a bit morbid.

However, if you think about it, that would mean that the people who have been through the most shit go to heaven. Today, I'm really hoping that's true.

Since my junior year, and even before then, my life has gone to shit. Between dealing with the abuse frommy shitbag of a father and Gio's fake death, I can't catch a break.

Now, I have to stay here, in a whole other country because my life is in danger? Great.

Gio explained that I no longer have the option to just leave and go home anymore due to the death threats currently placed on me.

Not only did I come to the one place where Antonio didn't want me to be, but I shot him as well. He's perfectly fine. He survived. However, I still cannot believe I shot a man.

"Tesoro, the house is on fire!" Gio said, quickly snapping me out of my thoughts and into confusion.

"Uh- what?" my eyes almost fell out of my head.

"You weren't listening to a thing I was saying, bella."

"Sorry, this is just a lot." I said with little to no expression.

" I said with little to no expression

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"I know, I know. I'm sorry for all of this, it was never my intention for all of this to happen, amore."

I truly did feel bad for hurting her and putting her through all of this in such a short amount of time.

This has become a foreign feeling for me in the past few years. In this line of work there is no room or time for feeling bad. If you do anything other than power through a mission, you die or you lose. I'm not interested in either option.

I have a soft spot for Tessa though. That, I can't deny. Now that she's here with me, I can't ever let her go again. I'll never be able to make things exactly the way they were before, but I can try.

"I know." she just looked off into space. She had little to no trace of sadness of anything, she was just idle.

Suddenly, an idea came to mind.

Growing up with Tessa, I did lots of things that she loved and I hated, simply because she loved it. I've always loved seeing her happy. So, whenever I wanted to cheer her up, I'd just think of something she loves to do an d make it happen.

"Let's have a movie night."


"Gio, stop that!" she laughed as I threw flour at her while we made cookies before watching the movie.

"No chance, bella." I laughed along with her and sat her on the counter.

For the first time in a while, I got to hear my favorite sound. A genuine laugh from her. Her laugh is already beautiful, but it's even better when I'm the cause of it.

I stood between her legs as she held onto my shoulders for support. My hands travelled to her waist, steadying her. I can't manage to pull my attention away from her face.

"Gio-" she started to speak but the timer for the cookies went off.

"Oh! Cookies are ready." I backed away and she hopped off of the counter, grabbing the cookies out of the oven.

"So, what are we gonna watch?" I asked Tess as she struggled to carry about ten different snacks to the at home theater.

When I had this house built, strangely enough, Tessa influenced a lot of the decisions I made.

I never thought I'd see her again, so I wanted to surround myself with simple things that reminded me of her. The movie theater was just a simple addition. Now, I get to enjoy it with her.

"We're definitely going to watch Girl, Interrupted." she smiled as she ate some popcorn.

"Of course." I laughed and stole some popcorn from the bowl.



"This movie is real fucked up." I said as Tess laughed in response.

"I'll be back, gotta use the ladies room!" Tessa exited the theater.

I continued watching the movie that Tessa loves for some reason.

I began hearing some noises but I assumed the maids were cleaning up before leaving for the night. Suddenly the noise of glass shattering caught my attention.

"Gio!" Tessa yelled my name in distress.

I walked down the hall and into the kitchen where a pistol was hidden in one of the fruit bowls.

"Shh." I put a finger to my lips and hushed Tessa who was sitting on the ground with her back against the counter and her knees against her chest.

In a matter of seconds shots rang out and bullets rained into the house from the kitchen window.

865 words 🤍

A/N- THANK ALL OF YOU FOR THE LOVE!!! The increase in views on here and tiktok have made me so happy!

Please comment your thoughts! ❤️❤️❤️

-defnottb 💞

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