33| About Damn Time

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A/N- I'M BACK, BITCHESSS 🤑 did y'all miss me?? I hope you enjoyyyy

A/N- I'M BACK, BITCHESSS 🤑 did y'all miss me?? I hope you enjoyyyy

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    I practically jolted awake, ready to jump out of bed at just 5:23 in the morning. I could barely sleep all night long. I suddenly feel like a ten year old kid again.

    At some point, during the night, Gio just wrapped his arms around me and didn't let me go because I couldn't stop moving around. When I threw the blankets off of me and onto Gio, I heard a slight groan coming from him. I could hear the sound of his complaints before they even started.

"Tesoro, it's too early." he croaked out in his dry morning voice.

"It's never too early for presents, Gio. Get your ass up!" I hit him with a fluffy pillow before sliding down the wood floor hallways with my Christmas socks, landing straight into Tino's little room.

"Tessa? Presents time?" Tino popped up and his little brown eyes were glowing with excitement. I couldn't help but smile at how excited he looked and how adorable we look in our matching pajamas.

"Yes buddy! Presents time!"

"Yay!" he cheered.

"Now, you go wake up Nonna and Mommy. I'll wake up Auntie ChiChi and Uncle Gio." I said, as I know Gio probably went back to bed.

    I walked back into Gio's room and sure enough, he was buried in the blankets, fast asleep.

    Almost out of nowhere a joyous feeling washed over me and my mood brightened. The thought of spending Christmas with Gio for the first time almost six years makes me extremely happy.

    I padded over to Gio, running my hands through his soft, black hair before bombarding him with kisses to wake him up.

"Tesoro?" he said. Well, duh.

"Come on, wake up, G." I said softly.

"Fine. But only because you're not hitting me with pillows this time." he said, causing us both to laugh.

    After Gio agreed to get up, I practically skipped into the hallway. I almost bumped into Tino who was beaming with excitement.

"Tessa! Nonna and Mommy are coming downstairs now!" he clearly felt accomplished, to which I responded with a quick "good job."

"Okay, now let's go get Auntie ChiChi."

    Tino and I strolled down the corridor and stopped at the end of the hall when we reached Chiara's room. We knocked on the door only to be surprised when she opened up the door. She'd seemingly been wide awake for at least a few minutes.

"Well, Chi, you're up early." I laughed.

"Well, this is my last Christmas before college. I'll take any chance to spend as much time as possible with you crazy people." she giggled.

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