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*I've been laying on the ground for hours, it's now night time, i'm still healing, when I hear a ship land infront of me, I open my eyes to see Bulma running to me, she eventually gets to me and kneels down to me while asking*


Y/N: "No... My arm's broken... I can't get up... could you take me to capsule corp and give me some medical attention?"

Bulma: "I will, but first, what happened? And what happened to your shirt!"

Y/N: "Well... my shirt is kinda disintegrated... and what happened is I fought this android called 18... she was actually pretty beautiful... and she ended up winning..."

*I the start to laugh before coughing and see that i coughed up blood*

Y/N: "Anyways... she's strong... but... I kinda like her... she was actually pretty nice... she actually kissed me on the cheek earlier..."

*Bulma then picks me up and bring me to her ship and puts me in the back of her ship and i pass out do to exaustion, I wake up hours later in a Hospital bed, I see the capsule corp logo on the wall and know I'm at capsule corp, I then hear Bulma*

Bulma: "Oh thank god you're awake!"

*I then turn around only to be met with Bulma hugging me, I groan In pain as she squezes me in the hug, she let's go once she heads this and says*

Bulma: "Sorry! Sorry!"

Y/N: "It's okay... so... am I gonna be in fighting condition soon?"

Bulma: "I don't know, i'm still waiting for Yajarobe to get here with the senzu beans. Anyways, what did you say about this girl who beat you again?"

Y/N: "Well... the fight was fun... but I ended up losing... and she actually kissed me on the cheek after we were done... she was also actually pretty nice after she did that... I hope I get to fight her again..."

Bulma: (Oh god... his hormones are starting to kick in...) "Well, good for you I guess, I hope you get to see her again soon."

*She then starts to leave, but I stop her by asking*

Y/N: "Bulma..."

Bulma: "Yeah?"

Y/N: "Can I... call you... mom?"

*I see that she's shocked by my request, but then she has smile on her face again as she walks over to me and hugs me while saying*

Bulma: "Of course you can Y/N. You've lived with me for 4 years and ever since we met I saw you as a son..."

*I then hug her back while telling her*

Y/N: "Thank you... mom..."

*Then Yajarobe bursts through the door startling Bulma, she almost falls but I grab me hand before then and she gets back on her feet, Yajarobe says*

Yajarobe: "Oh no... did I interupt something?"

Y/N: "No, could you just give me a senzu bean?"

*He then walks up to me and hands me one, I take it end feel all my wounds heal, I then get up and ask Bulma where some clothes are, she says*

Bulma: "They're in your bathroom."

Y/N: "Thank you."

*I then hug her and leave the room, when I get into the bathroom and take off my hospital gown, i see that i now have alot of scars all over my body, the three most noticable are the one on my chest, the one on my left arm, and the one on my left cheek*