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*I'm sitting in the cave with Bulma, she's sleeping beside me and then I see Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan arrive to the cave and I say*

Y/N: "Oh, hey guys, how ya doing?"

*I then hear Bulma scared moans in her sleep and I tap her on the shoulder and she almost falls off of her chair but I catch her*

Y/N: "You really need to stop falling."

*I put her back on her chair and Krillin says*

Krillin: "Taking the Dragon Balls, bye."

Y/N: "I'll go with them, be right back Bulma."

Bulma: "Okay, just don't die okay?"

Y/N: "Cross my heart and hope to not die."

Bulma: "Okay, bye."

Y/N: "Bye."

*I grab a Dragon Ball and fly off*

Vegeta: "Say, who is that E-arth woman?"

Y/N: "Oh, she's Bulma, she's a nice girl, i'm sure you'd love them, you big Ol' softy."

Vegeta: "What did you call just me!?"

Y/N: "Nothing old man."

Vegeta: "I'm not old!"

Y/N: "Hah, sure, shorty."

Vegeta: "You have a never ending stream of insults, don't you?"

Y/N: "Hell yes I do."

*He sighs and Gohan asks*

Gohan: "Y/N, if you don't mind me asking, what are we in for?"

Y/N: "You ever seen Power Rangers?"

Gohan: "No."

Y/N: "Ninja Turtles?"

Gohan: "No."

Y/N: "You have no childhood."

Gohan: "I know."

Y/N: "You ever seen Sailer Moon?"

Gohan: "No."

Y/N: "Beetle borgs?"

Gohan: "No."

Y/N: "VR Troopers?"

Gohan: "No."

Y/N: "Samurai Cyber Squad?"

Gohan: "No."

Y/N: "... Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills(A/N: This is actually a real show, just to know)?"

Gohan: "Oh yeah!"

Y/N: "Goddamnit."

*We continue flying and end up at the spot to use the dragon balls*

Y/N: "Good. We're here."

*I turn around to Krillin and Gohan glaring at Vegeta*

Y/N: "Oh for the love of- Vegeta, what the fuck did you do to them?"

Vegeta: "I did nothing-"

Ginyu: "Hi Vegeta, Hi Y/N."

Y/N: "Oh hey Ginyu- What the fuck? When did you get here?"

Ginyu: "An hour ago."

Y/N: "Goddamn."

Ginyu: "Now, before I take these Dragon balls and leave my men here to clean up, is there anything you'de like to say Y/N?"

Y/N: "As a matter of fact there is. Look at your men, now back to me, now back at your men, back to me, I am not your men, I'm flipping you off, now look at the ground, back to me. Where's the dragon ball? I throw it, and there isn't a damn-"