Attack of the living dead

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Vegeta sits in his bed at Capsule Corp while crying

Vegeta: "Why Woman... Why, Bulma? Why did you have to have that damn cold!?"

He holds his head

Vegeta: "Why did you have to leave us... Everything's falling apart without you..."

Then he hears a window break, he checks Andria's room and sees a corpse about to grab her, he appears behind it and slams it onto the ground before stomping it's head in, Andria wakes up and sees the corpse on the ground

Andria: "W-What's going on!?"

Vegeta: "I don't know... I heard a window break and then I saw this... Corpse in your room and killed it..."

He walks outside with Andria, they see corpses rise out of the ground, then Goku appears there and sees the dead people

Goku: "What's going on!?"

Vegeta: "I don't know! The dead are rising!"

They get surrounded by the dead and 18 walks outside, she looks around at all the corpses before Y/N appears in a giant explosion that destroys all the zombies, then he hears a laugh and turns around to see the Anomaly, Broly, Paragus, Cheelai, and Lemo walk outside, Y/N charges the Anomaly and get's thrown at Capsule Corp, he lands on the wall and moves out of the way as the Anomaly almost crushed his head and then moves behind him, when the Anomaly turns around he gets stabbed in the side with a Ki blade but he stabs Y/N with one before grabbing Y/N by the throat and choking him, Y/N pushes the Anomaly's forehead to try and move him away, but he sees memories of the Anomaly, he sees everything, he sees that he killed his family against his will, how he's destroyed multiverses, everything, he opens his jaw wide and the Anomaly let's go of him, Y/N stares blankly at the ground with tears in his eyes

They get surrounded by the dead and 18 walks outside, she looks around at all the corpses before Y/N appears in a giant explosion that destroys all the zombies, then he hears a laugh and turns around to see the Anomaly, Broly, Paragus, Cheelai, an...

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Then the Anomaly appears behind Andria and puts his hands around her before aiming a Ki blade against her neck, 18 aims her fist at him


The Anomaly: "Aim your fist away from me, I won't hurt her if you do."

18 puts her fist down while still looking at the Anomaly

18: "What the fuck even are you?"

The Anomaly: "Don't you recognize your husband? There's a reason I look like him."

Chronoa appears outside and sees the Anomaly

Chronoa: "N-No! He's here!"

The Anomaly: "Hello Chronoa, how has your leg been? I can see that you're standing again... Sadly..."

Chronoa: "WHY ARE YOU HERE!?"

Then the Anomaly looks at Broly

The Anomaly: "Hmm... I wonder if it's like how it is in the normal timeline..."

He disappears from behind Andria and then everyone hears Paragus cough, they all look to see that a Ki blade is through his back and the Anomaly is standing behind him, smiling, he then appears behind Andria and grabs her before disappearing, Paragus falls to the ground while coughing, Broly looks at his father with shock

Goku appears beside Vegeta and sees Broly, he looks at Broky shocked


He then sees Y/N on the ground, passed out


Broly charges at Goku and grabs him by the face before slamming him into the grounds, Vegeta snaps out of it and goes Super Saiyan before charging at Broly while the Anomaly watches from afar while laughing


The camera slowly pans back, showing all the destruction being caused by the fight with Broly before the Anomaly disappears