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*I wake up hearing a loud beeping sound and I look at my old scouter to see a distress signal from planet Amidalla and I get out of bed and rush to get to the ship that I've been using to rescue possible saiyan survivors(Since like, 10 saiyans we known to have survived the destruction of planet Vegeta, there are still likely more and Y/N knows that, so he's been trying to find others saiyans), I see that Goku's here and decide to ask him if he wants to come*

Y/N: "Goku, there's a pod out in space, you wanna come help me see if someone's in it?"

Goku: "As long as there's a-"

Y/N: "Yes, mom installed a muffin button this time."

Goku: "YAAAAAAY!!!!"

*We get into the ship and head off to planet Amidalla*


*We've arrived at Planet Amidalla, we get out of the ship and I see a woman in Saiyan battle armor with a tail, I rush over to her and I see that she's about to collapse but I grab her and she looks over to Goku before saying*

???: "B-Bardock..."

*And she then passed out, I turn to Goku and say*

Y/N: "Goku, we need to get her in the ship quick!"

*I start to run to the ship and put her in one of the medical beds before taking out a Senzu bean and feel it to her, her eyes then open and I look at her as she springs out of the bed and says*

???: "Where am I!? Who are you!?"

Y/N: "Ma'am, calm down, your safe here, i'm not here to harm you, my name is Y/N Briefs, But I have a couple questions for you. First of all, why are you wearing Frieza Force Saiyan armor? I killed Frieza over a decade ago."

???: "W-What!? What are you talking about! He just destroyed planet Vegeta!"

Y/N: "M-Ma'am... that was decades ago... that was before I was even born... it's age 780..."

*She then has a shocked expression on her face*

???: "Where's Bardock!?"

Y/N: "Wait... wasn't that Raditz's Father?"

???: "Wait, YOU KNOW MY SON!? WHERE IS HE!?"

*She grabs onto my armor and shakes me, I grab her hands and take them off of my armor*

Y/N: "Well... he died fighting Goku, and- Wait a minute- did you say Raditz was your son?"

*She nods her head with huge tears in her eyes*

Y/N: "Ma'am... you're not Gine by any chance are you?"

Gine: "Yes... *Sniff* Yes I am..."

*Her head slumps down as she cries*

Y/N: "Miss Gine, it'll be okay, your son told me alot about you. He was actually a pretty nice guy after you got to know him, if only Nappa and Vegeta didn't pick on him so much for being weak... Vegeta may have been my adoptive Father, but it was still a dick move, hell, I was as strong as Vegeta when I was only 10 years old and yet Nappa and Vegeta still made fun of Raditz."