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Y/N gets up and leaves Capsule Corp, he gets to the lookout and goes inside the Hyberbolic Time Chamber, meanwhile in space

Frieza: "Has he entered it yet?"

Scout: "Yeah boss, he's entered the Chamber."

Frieza: "Good. Zarbon."

Zarbon: "Yes my lord?"

Frieza: "Tell them to execute order 65."

Zarbon: "O-OF COURSE!"

He runs to the middle of the ship

Zarbon: "EXECUTE ORDER 65!!!!"

Everyone gets out of there rooms and then Frieza's ship appears above earth, but it's different, it's bigger, much bigger, bigger than the moon, it enters earth's orbit and then thousands of Frieza force troopers jump out of the ship to the ground before they take out there blasters and aim them at people, Vegeta goes outside and sees Frieza with Zarbon and Dadoria

Vegeta: "What the hell? Aren't you two dead? Aren't you supposed to be dead? Didn't Y/N squash your head like a bug?"

Frieza: "I survived. I was able to-"

Vegeta: "Oh, just shut the fuck up and fight."

Vegeta then starts to grind his teeth and clinches his fists before his hair turns Blue and a massive Ki explosion happens as his body Bulks up, then Goku appears and then he sees Frieza, smoke begins to emite from him and then he yells in anger, then a small Ki explosion happens around him and his hair turns silver, he tears off the last bit of shirt left on his body

(Skip to 0:04)

Goku and Vegeta charge towards Frieza but he dodges their attacks with ease before an explosion happens around him and when the smoke clears, he's alot different looking, his skin Color has changed, then he one shots Goku and Vegeta, everyone runs outside and Andria runs to Vegeta

Andria: "Grandpa! Get up!"

Vegeta: "Andria... Go... Run... Hurry..."

Vegeta then passes out, Andria starts to cry and Frieza walks up to Andria

Frieza: "Aw, how cute, who are you? Y/N's offspring? You seem strong, you have potential. Why don't you come with me?"

18 then appears infront of Andria


Frieza: "Ooh, looks like I've touched a nerve."

18 then kicks Frieza right in between the legs, a loud cracking sound is heard and Frieza falls to the ground before he starts to cry

Frieza: "Y-YOU BITCH!!!!! GET HER!!!! KILL HER!!!! NOW!!!!"

Zarbon and Dadoria charge towards them but then out of nowhere Broly appears and hits them away, they crash into a building and then Frieza gets up and charges towards Broly, he hits Broly and he flies through Capsule Corp(Don't worry, no one's in there), Frieza begins to walks away and back towards 18 when suddenly a flash of black hits him and tackles him away from them, when they land on the ground Frieza sees that Broly is the one that hit him