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Y/N is flying in Norse(for some reason...) when he senses an extremely high power level that could rival that of Beerus, Y/N goes to where he senses it and sees a small wooden cabin, he knocks on the door and a 6'4 pail man with red tattoos walks out and looks down at Y/N

Kratos: "Who are you Boi?"

Y/N: "Oh, uh, I was just flying around when I felt a huge power level here in this area, It's actually in this cabin I believe..."

He then looks Kratos up and down before saying

Y/N: "And I think I know who it is... Holy shit you are strong. You're about as strong as Beerus if I believe, I've been wanting to have an actually challenging fight for some time."

Kratos: "Who is Beerus?"

Y/N: "Oh, he's the God of Destruction. And the strongest one. I need to ask you something."

Kratos: "What is it?"

Y/N: "Can I fight you a little?"

Kratos: "I do not wish to fight a child."

Y/N: "Please? Just this once! I'm not even a child man! I'm 29-30 years old!"

Kratos: "That does not matter."

Kratos is about to walk inside but Y/N grabs his arm and says

Y/N: "Listen man, I am not leaving until we fight. So we better start now."

Kratos turns around and says

Kratos: "Leave. My. HOME."

Y/N: "No."

Kratos punches Y/N and he falls backwards

Kratos: "You should have listened."

He walks over to Y/N and grabs his arm

Y/N: "My turn."

Y/N punches Kratos and send him flying, he breaks a part of his house and lands behind it, Y/N then appears right behind him

Y/N: "Sorry about the damage to the house, I'll fix it after the fight."

Kratos gets up and tries to punch Y/N, but he appears behind Kratos and punches him, Kratos is sent flying and breaks a tree, he sits up and Y/N starts to walk towards him

Y/N: "Sorry I kinda forced you into this fight, I just really need a challenge-"

Kratos grabs the tree and hits Y/N with it, sending him flying and he hits the house, Kratos runs at him and rams him through a small wooden part that isn't a room, Y/N hits Kratos' back and Kratos let's go of him, Y/N gets up and dusts himself off

Y/N: "Good. Very good."

Kratos gets up and starts to punch Y/N but Y/N appears behind him and punches him into the mountain infront of them

Y/N: "Wow, you've been kinda disappointing so far..."

He turns around and looks at the cabin, he then senses another person in the cabin

Y/N: "Oh, someone who's almost as string as you. Maybe they'll be a challenge."

Kratos then yells in anger and runs out of the mountain before punching Y/N into a tree, his face hits it and Kratos then grabs him and punches his face into the tree, breaking it, he throws Y/N to the side and grabs the tree before using it to ram Y/N into the side of another mountain, he crashes into a mountain like thing with gold in it, Y/N breaks the tree and punches Kratos

Y/N: "That seemed to make you mad. What form is this?"

Kratos doesn't answer and just unloads a flurry of punches on Y/N and he gets knocked into the side of a mountain, Kratos begins to walk off but he then hears loud cracking and turns around to see Y/N standing there with an angered expression, the ground begins to swirl around him and Y/N's eyes turn Yellow before he screams in pain and anger

Kratos uses his arms to block the massive Shockwave caused by Y/N's screaming, he then looks down before looking back up and a green beam appears before it shoots out of Y/N's mouth but Kratos dodges it and looks at Y/N, they both then charge at eachother and Y/N grabs him before flying into the air and they go through a mountain, they both land on the frozen lake and Y/N grabs Kratos by the leg before twirling him around in the air and then slamming him into the ground, he slams him again, this time knocking Kratos out, then he slams him again and Kratos wakes up

(Skip to 0:16)

Y/N grabs Kratos by the head before ramming his face into the ice before throwing him

Y/N: "Does that prove I'm strong?"

Kratos gets up and pulls out his axe, he charges at Y/N and hits him with it, he then throws it at Y/N, but he dodges it


The axe then hits Y/N's head before returning to Kratos' hand


Kratos: "You talk to much."

Y/N: "Hey! Just trying to make friendly conversation! Anyways, I think I've found what I was looking for."

His eyes go back to normal

Y/N: "Anyways, sorry for the whole fight. Anyways, do you wanna join me and my friends? You're really strong. As strong as Beerus infact. I'd like for you too join us Mister..."

Kratos: "Kratos."

Y/N: "Well, Kratos. Do you wish to join us?"

Kratos: "I shall ask Freya if she wants to join you too."

Y/N: "Thank you. You know, I think I could learn a thing or two from you. I could use instant transmission to get where we need to get."

Kratos: "What is Instant Transmission?"

Y/N: "This."

He grabs Kratos and they appear back at Kratos' cabin