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It is now age 883, Y/N is over 100 years old, and still alive, but somehow, he still looks the same, he arrives home to a small house inside of a gigantic, technologically advanced, city, the house looks like it has about 7 rooms, enough for three bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, a living room, a laundry room, and there's a small building beside it, it looks like a dojo, Y/N gets off of his horse and hitches it on the fence around the house, before walking inside, he sees a blonde woman with a baby with black, spiky hair, Y/N smiles and walks over to them

Y/N: "Hey, how are you, Lazuli?"

Lazuli: "Oh, hey Grandpa, it's nice to see that you're back."

Y/N: "And how's my great grandson doing?"

Lazuli: "Y/N's doing okay... He's been sleeping all day."

Y/N: "Where's your mother?"

Lazuli: "She's in the Dojo."

Y/N: "Okay."

He walks out back and walks into the small building, he sees an old woman meditating on the floor of the Dojo, he knocks on the wall and the woman turns around she smiles brightly and hugs Y/N, he hugs back

Y/N: "Hi, sweetie, how are you feeling?"

Andria: "I'm feeling great, dad... You look so old..."

She says in a joke tone as she lets go of him

Y/N: "And you look as young as a baby..."

He pats her on the back, she smiles warmly before she coughs, she holds her chest Y/N gets close

Y/N: "You okay?"

Andria: "Yes... I-I'm okay... I just... I feel a little tired..."

Y/N: "Go inside and get some rest... I'll take care of the garden, okay?"

Andria: "Okay..."

She leaves and goes outside, Y/N then goes out the back, into a small garden, he starts to water the flowers, and then suddenly the door swings open and a woman with blue hair looks at Y/N before saying

Bulma: "A-Auntie Andria collapsed!!!"

Y/N immediately stops and throws everything to the ground before running inside the house, he goes inside one of the rooms and finds Andria laying in her bed, breathing heavily, Y/N sits next to the bed

Y/N: "How do you feel...?"

Andria coughs

Andria: "Old..."

Y/N tries to smile, but can't, he scoots his chair closer and puts hand on Andria's, he holds her hand tightly

Y/N: "You may not have lived longer than your old man... But you still lived longer than most Saiyans..."

Andria: "Yes... Thank you, Dad, for everything... You gave me such an amazing childhood, and life..."

Y/N: "I'm happy you think so... I... I never really HAD a childhood... I was... Basically born into killing... I never had time to be a kid..."

Andria: "But in spite of that... You gave me an amazing childhood... And an even better life... You are the best father I ever could have had..."

Y/N's tears fall to the ground and her kisses Andria on the cheek

Y/N: "I love you..."

Andria: "I love you too, Dad..."

Y/N: "You're finally gonna see Grandpa, Grandma, and Mom, again..."

She then smiles softly and slowly closes her eyes, Y/N then picks her up and leaves the room, closing the door, he walks downstairs and then out to the backyard, he lays Andria on the ground before digging up a small grave, he puts her body in the ground before covering it up with dirt, he then collapses to his knees and tears stream down his face