Epilogue part 7

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Y/N and the group walk towards the castle

Lazuli: "I still think it's a stupid idea..."

Y/N: "Don't worry, it's not like they could actually kill us, your power levels are in the quintillions and mine passed the Googolpex decades ago, they'll be lucky to have power levels of 5,000."

Lazuli: "I'm more worried that if we fight, we'll kill them..."

Y/N: "That's why we have to be on the DEFENSIVE, do not use any offensive moves if we end up fighting, because if we do, we could actually end up killing some of them..."

Bulma: "I still don't know about this, Uncle..."

Towa: "I agree, I'm not really the best at fighting defensively."

Zangya: "And by now, I'm just not the best at fighting..."

Y/N: "You four still won't need to even try."

They all walk to the castle and suddenly hear clicking sounds, they look up and see the guards pointing laser rifles down at them, then the gates open and hundreds of guards come walking out, brandishing their own laser rifles, they walk to the group, and one with a hook for a hand circles Y/N

Guard: "So... You're this, so called, 'Legendary Super Saiyan?'"

Y/N nods and the guard laughs before turning to the others, they instinctively laugh as well, the Guard turns back to Y/N

Guard: "You're weaker than I thought... Our scouters can't even detect your power levels..."

Y/N chuckles, before looking serious again

Y/N: "Yeah, I'll explain that after I'm done here... But for now, could you please take me to your boss?"

The guard smirks and starts circling Y/N again

Guard: "You know... You're wanted here... So I guess we will... But sadly... It won't be with you breathing..."

Y/N sighs

Y/N: "I'm gonna ask you one more time... Take me to your boss so I can negotiate..."

The guard laughs out loud, before putting his Rifle away

Guard: "No, I think I'll just kill you right here and now... I won't even need my-"

Y/N punches him in the face, knocking him out, the other guards charge at him and the group get into their fighting stances, they all run at the enemies and take them all out, Y/N grabs one and tosses them at another, a guard tries to shoot Bulma, she dodges and kicks the gun away, Lazuli punches a guard's gun away before knocking him out with a spin kick, Zangya picks up two guards and throws them at two others

Y/N: "Towa! You got this?"

Towa smirks and appears in front of Y/N, she slams the bottom of her staff against the ground and all the Guards are knocked off their feet, onto the ground, Y/N walks to the one with a hook, seeming to be the leader, and picks him up, before putting him on his feet and

Y/N: "Now, can you take me to your boss? And alive this time? Or do you need my friends over there to help me persuade you again?