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*Goku is being beaten by Turles, who is about to kill Goku with a Ki blast, but before he does-*

*The Ki blasts gets hit away and destroys a mountain, when everyone looks at who just hit the blast they see Y/N with a huge Grin on his face, Turles tries to hit him but gets headbutted back and he hits the ground before punching it and getting up, when he does, Y/N shoots a laser out of his mouth and it breaks Turles' armor, he rushes and tries to hit Y/N but he appears behind Turles and punches him into the air, Piccolo then hits him to the ground and then Goku punches him, sending him flying, he then gets hit in the back by Gohan and then Y/N grabs Turles before throwing him into the air, and all four of the gang then use their nest attacks*

Goku: "KA ME HA ME-"

Piccolo: "SPECIAL BEAM-"

Gohan: "MA-"


Goku: "HA!!!!"

Piccolo: "CANNON!"

Gohan: "SENKO!"

Y/N: "GUN!"

*Turles gets hit by all attacks and dissolves to ashes, everyone besides Y/n falls to the ground, tired, Y/N then flies off and says*

Y/N: "Well that was short, and weird. Almost like this whole thing was a dream-"


*You wake up and see that the short thing was just a dream*

Y/N: "The fuck was that?"

18: "You okay babe?"

Y/N: "Yeah, just had a weird ass dream."

18: "Well, are you ready to have one in real life~"

Y/N: "Oooh... I love this one."


*18 gets on top of you and starts to grind against your cock, after a short while of you grunting and her moaning, she gets off of you and then starts to stroke your cock while you suck on her breasts and massage her pussy while she moans, after a bit she cums on your fingers and you cum in her hand, she kicks all the cum off of her hands and gets on top of you*

18: "You ready?"

Y/N: "Are you ready?"

*You then grab her wrists and roll over, she looks surprised and starts to blush and you say*

Y/N: "Roll over."

*You get off of her and she does so, you put your hands on the bed right beside 18 and then you stick your cock inside of her ass, she let's out a loud moan of pleasure and you cover her mouth before whsipering*

Y/N: "We should probably keep quiet, Andria's here."

*She nods and you start to thrust into her while she let's out muffled moans, you haven't really had any anal sex with your wife for a long while, ever since 18 was pregnant actually, so it feels really good for both of you, you continue to pound 18 while she let's out tears of joy along with muffled moans with her tonguesticking out of her mouth onto your hand, you cum in her but continue to pound her, you cum in her multiple times and after you remove your cock you see that 18 has her tongue sticking out with her eyes open wide and tears of joy and pleasure running down her face*

Y/N: "How... *PANT* did that... *PANT* feel... *PANT* 18?"

*She doesn't respond and when you walk over to her, she's breathing heavily*

Y/N: "Eigh- Eighteen? Are you okay?"

*You grab the blanket and put it around you both while hugging your wife tightly*

Y/N: "Shit... I Fucked her brains out..."