Y/N vs The DCU

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Y/N wakes up in the middle of a road, he stands up and looks around, he then holds his head and his eyes turn completely yellow


His face then turns to an engaged look and then a man in a blue costume with a cape appears, he looks down at Y/N and asks

Superman: "Excuse me sir, who are you?"

Y/N turns around and then charges at the man before punching him in the face, he then grabs him by the cape and slams him into the ground, then he feels something fast punch him in the face, he lets go of tye man and looks around before seeing a red blur go around him, he puts his arm forward and a man in a red costume hits his arm, he falls down and holds his stomach, then a lasso goes around Y/N, he sees a woman in armor holding the lasso, Y/N breaks the lasso and grabs it before swinging it and the woman around, he then throws it and it wraps around the woman and the red man, then a jet zooms to the location and a man in a bat costume jumps out and takes out brass knuckles made of a green crystal, he then runs at Y/N and punches him, doing nothing, Y/N picks him up by the throat and then a Barton hits his head, he drops the Batman(That was a good show... And also a good unconnected movie...) Before looking over to see a man in a black suit that has a blue bird symbol on it, he makes a Ki ball in his hand before throwing it at the man, he dodged it by less than an inch and it hits a telephone pole, Y/N then charges at him and then stops before screaming as his eyes turn normal again, he then looks around

Y/N: "W-What the hell...!? Why am I attacking you guys...!?"

He screams again and his eyes turn yellow again, then a giant green hand hits him into a building, he gets out and sees a man in a green and black outfit with a green ring on, Y/N roars in rage and sees the moon, then he roars like a monster before a beam of light surrounds him

He stands there in his Super Saiyan 4 form, basking in the glow of his self

His eyes then dilate and he looks at the man with the ring before he appears in front of him and grabs him by the throat and takes his ring off, turning him into a normal man, he then is about to punch him when the man in blue pushes him away, Y/N then clashes fists with him and then he appears behind him and punches him into the air

He then punches him down into a desert like place, Superman stands up and sighs in pain and his Costume is already torn up slightly as Y/N chuckles, then Y/N charges at Superman and they start to have an all out brawl, neither holding back at all, Y/N tries to hit Superman, but he dodges Y/N's hits, but Y/N then grabs him and headbutts him before throwing him onto the ground and using his hands to brutally bash Superman, before he kicks Y/N away, and charges at him, before Y/N throws Ki balls at him, which he dodges before using his laser vision on Y/N who blocks and then he gets pushed into the Earth by Superman, knocking him into the Earth's core, as Y/N and Superman are in the molten core, Y/N grabs him by the face and starts wailing on him, before he gets kicked out, but when he flies out, he sees Y/N charging a Supernova like attack before slamming it down, cracking open the Earth, and making basically anything within 500 meters turn to dust, he then sees Superman and charges at him again, they both start fighting again and eventually, Superman's out of breath, but Y/N's still nowhere close, he's about to land the killing blow, when he suddenly stops and holds his head as he screams and his eyes turn back to normal, he looks at his hands and breaths heavily

Y/N: "What is happening...?"

Superman then realizes

Superman: "You're not attacking on purpose... Someone's controlling you!"

Y/N: "Yes... I don't know who... Or how... But I haven't-"

He screams in pain and his eyes turn yellow again, then suddenly, a man in a Golden Helmet shows up, Y/N runs at him and then disappears before the man in the helmet disappears as well(Just to know, that was Doctor Fate)