Y/N Returns part 2 (The Climax)

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Everything around Y/N starts to turn white


Every multiverses turns to white... before suddenly reappearing! Everything, everywhere, Chronoa looks shocked before looking at Y/N

Chronoa: "Oh my... He... He brought back EVERYTHING!!!!! WITHOUT EVEN LIFTING A FINGER!!!!!!"

The Anomaly stands up and growls before Andria appears beside Y/N, she looks around, shocked, before seeing Y/N slowly walking towards the Anomaly

Andria: "D-Dad...?"

Y/N: "Stand back, Sweetie... Things are about to get VIOLENT..."

She steps back and her mother hugs her tightly as Y/N approaches the Anomaly, he tries to attack but Y/N grabs his hand, the Anomaly then disappears and goes Super Saiyan 4, Y/N then multiplies into multiple beings, they all start to beat the Anomaly relentlessly, before they all disappear and Y/N punches a whole through the Anomaly's chest, ripping out his heart, but he doesn't die... He starts to cough up blood, Y/N then takes off the decapitated Frieza head(Which I kinda forgot existed for a while...) Before pointing it towards the Anomaly, he spits on the Anomaly's face and Y/N tosses Frieza's head to Goku, then Vegeta and Paragus appear there, the Anomaly's heart reappears in hos chest and it heals up, Y/N then pushes hin towards Goku, he punches Goku, but he then screams as hos hand breaks, then Vegeta turns hin around and punches him in the balls, before the Anomaly falls to the ground, anr his arm is fixed, Y/N then picks him up before disappearing, he appears in hell and chains the Anomaly down, before telling all inhabitants of Hell that they have a job now

Y/N: "Your new Job is to beat this man every single day, never relenting, until the wardens of Hell tell you to stop, after 12 hours... Got it?"

They all nod and Y/N appears back on Earth, he then notices something as he transforms back to his base form

Y/N: "Wait... Where's Mom...?"

Nobody answers and he disappears, he goes to Heaven and sees Bulma with Dr. Briefs and Panchy, Y/N walks over to them, they all wave

Bulma: "Hey Y/N! Nice to see you!"

Y/N: "M-Mom... Y-You're supposed to be alive again... Y-You-"

Bulma sighs

Bulma: "Y/N... I know you want me to come back... But I... I shouldn't..."

Y/N: "W-What do you-"

Bulma: "Y/N... I've been brought back 2 times, and died 3... I think it's about time for me to finally lay rest..."

Y/N feels tears fall from his face as Bulma stands up

Y/N: "B-But Mom... W-What about Trunks...? O-Or Bulla...? O-Or Vegeta...? T-They can't deal with this-"

Bulma: "It's okay..."

She puts her hand on his cheek and starts to sob silently

Bulma: "They'll be okay without me... I am SO proud of you, Y/N... You have become stronger than I would ever have thought you'd been able to be when we first met... King Kai told us how you've unlocked Super Saiyan 5, and that you're able to do basically anything with it... And when I heard that voice in my head ask if I wanted to come back... I had to decline..."

She kisses his forehead and hugs him tightly

Bulma: "I will NEVER forget you, Y/N..."

Y/N: "I won't forget you either... I love you, Mom..."

He hugs her back and then disappears, he appears back on Earth


Everyone is at Bulma's funeral, Y/N reads his speech

Y/N: "Bulma Briefs, my Mother, was the best woman that I ever knew... No one could EVER compare to her when it came to intelligence... Not me, not even the Angels or Gods we met... She was... Amazing... And deserves to be remembered as an amazing person... She will NEVER be forgotten..."

Y/N then steps down as the coffin is lowered into the grave, Vegeta has tears rolling down his face and Bulla holds his hand, Trunks has his head buried into Mai's chest as he cries, and Goku has his head on ChiChi's shoulder

Y/N's tears hit the ground, and everyone watches as Y/N then walks off after the coffin is put into the ground and he sighs, in slight relief, he looks at the cloudy horizon as the sun shines onto him as and Andria asks

Andria: "So... It's over...? This is the end...?"

Y/N: "Yes... And no... It is over... But this... This isn't the end... It's only the beginning..."

18 walks over, while holding her stomach, she puts her head on Y/N's shoulder as he wraps his arm around her, before everyone else walks to them, also watching the horizon...