Epilogue part 5

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Y/N walks through the hallways of the Spaceship, Zangya bumps into him

Y/N: "Sorry."

Zangya: "Watch where you're going, idiot."

Y/N turns around and looks at her

Y/N: "What did you say?"

Zangya turns around

Zangya: "I said watch where you're going."

Y/N walks closer to her, a serious look on his face

Y/N: "Why have you been so rude lately?"

Zangya: "Oh, stop being so sensitive-"

Y/N: "I'm serious."

Zangya: "Hey, I lost someone I-"


Zangya goes silent

Y/N: "I've lost someone I cared about too... Hell, I've lost more people I cared about more recently than you did, I lost my wife, my brother, my sister, my fathers, my mothers, one of which died in my arms bleeding to death, my son was a stillbirth, and my daughter just died, not even a month ago... I've lost more people than you think, just because I'm always trying to be positive doesn't mean I don't have any grief, all I wanna do right now is ball my Goddamn eyes out, but I can't, CAUSE I HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY, one that I will take seriously... You pushed your son away, because you couldn't handle the pain of-"

Zangya punches Y/N in the face, it does nothing

Zangya: "Shut up!"


She looks confused

Zangya: "What...?"

Y/N: "Again... Come on! You wanna hit me, don't you? You wanna let your anger out! So do it! I won't stop you!"

She punches him again, it still does nothing

Y/N: "Again!"

She feels her anger boil within her and she wails on him, punching him in the face, before punching him in the stomach, then she punches him in the face again, she then punches him one final time, in the chest, she sighs, her anger slowly fading away

Y/N: "Do you feel better now...?"

Zangya looks up at him, seeing the concerned look on his face, she nods and Y/N smiles softly at her

Y/N: "Good... I'm happy to have helped you."

He then turns around and walks away, before he stops and turns around again

Y/N: "Oh, and Zangya, if you ever feel so angry you can't handle it again, just come and find me, I'd be happy to help you out again."

He then turns again and walks away, Zangya stands there, dumbfounded, she looks down at the beer can on the floor and picks it up, crushing it and throwing it in the trash