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Y/N is laying in bed when 18 gets up and she feels something wrapping around her leg and she lifts up the blanket and then wakes Y/N up

Y/N: "Hmm? What is it Babe? You seem shocked?"

18: "Uh... You... Have a tail..."

Y/N then looks at her shocked before checking under the blanket to see if she's right, and she is, he sees the tail and he then unwraps the tail from her leg and then he grabs is before tying it around his waist like a belt, he then lies back down

18: "So are we just gonna ignore the fact that you've got a tail now?"

Y/N: "Yeah, right now we are. It's sleep time. Now go back to sleep please, Night, Love you."

18 kisses him on the cheek before cuddling with him and saying

18: "Okay, Love you too babe."

Y/N kisses her back on the cheek before cuddling with her too

Y/N: "I wish I was an adult again so we could have sex."

18: "We could... but it would be very weird..."

Y/N: "Tomorrow I should go to the lookout to see if the time chamber is fixed."

18: "Yeah. Maybe we can both go in, although if we did I'd age faster than you and probably be old when we came out..."

Y/N: "Namekians live for hundreds of years, maybe even thousands, so Piccolo would be the best option to go in with..."

18: "Yeah, you have a good point."

Y/N: "Let's stop thinking about that for now, it's sleep time. Now time to go to sleep."

He hugs 18 tight and she hugs him back, they both sleep until morning where Y/N sneakily gets up and puts on his clothes to not wake up 18 and instant transmissions to the lookout and when Dende sees him he says

Dende: "Kid, who the hell are you?"

Y/N: "It's your old pal! Shamus mcfuckyourself!"


Y/N: "Someone must've used the Dragon Balls recently. Anyways, I came up to see if the Hyberbolic Time chamber is fixed yet."

Dende: "No, it's sadly not."

Y/N: "DAMNIT! Why did Vegeta need to break it!?"

Dende: "Look, I don't know why your dad broke it but it's still not fixed. But in the meantime you can go smash your wife."

Y/N: "That's the problem. I can't as a child or else it will be weird."

Dende: "Then go into your Legendary Super Swine or whatever form and smash her! Doesn't it make you taller!"

Y/N: "Oh yeah... But the problem is it takes like 2 minutes to transform into that form! And it hurts like hell when I do! And I don't think many people would like if I screamed for 2 minutes straight at night. Although... I do think I'm close to reaching a version that makes me lose no stamina so I could stay in it for forever... Let me try and unlock it, get ready for a couple minutes of screaming."

Y/N then starts to charge all of his energy and transform while also breaking his limits while screaming