Y/N vs Broly

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After many hours of Y/N being in a comatose state, he's finally pulled out by Towa using her magic, he gets up and looks around

Y/N: "What happened!?"

Chronoa: "Go find Broly! Now! He's fighting Goku and Vegeta!"

Y/N: "What!? Why-"

He sees Paragus laying on the ground, dead, he immediately disappears and goes out of orbit to find Broly's Ki level, he finds a power level as large as Goku in Super Saiyan Blue, and beside it, one even larger than Goku in Mastered Ultra Instinct, he appears beside it he sees Broly, but larger, and with white eyes, and also seems to be a Super Saiyan, Y/N then sees Gogeta

Y/N: "Oh, Goku and Vegeta used the Metamoran fusion... So... What are you called?"

Gogeta: "We are Gogeta!"

Y/N: "Well, nice to meet you... But I can handle this."

He looks at Broly

Y/N: "Uncle Broly... Please listen-"

Broly screams in anger and charges at Y/N, who dodges his attack with ease

Y/N: "Uncle Broly! Listen to me! I can help you!"

Broly charges at him again and Y/N dodges his attack again

Y/N: "Fine... You've given me no choice... I'm sorry Uncle Broly..."

Y/N gets into his fighting chance and him and Broly fly away each other

Broly flies at Y/N and tries to hit him, but Y/N dodges and karate chops his neck, he then kicks him to the ground, Broky stands up, only to be hit by hundreds of Ki blasts that go hurtling down to him, hitting him everywhere, Broly then charges his Ki and goes flying up to Y/N, they go flying through the air again, both disappear randomly, Broly tries to hit Y/N but fails as Y/N dodges his attacks every time Broly continues trying to hit Y/N, only to eventually get hit rapidly and falling onto the ground, he shoots a gigantic Ki blast at Y/N, who shoots one right back at him, they combine with equal force and reality shatters apparat as they appear in a realm of swirling colors as Y/N looks around

Y/N: "The hell!? Again!? What even if this place!? I've been here like 3 ti-"

Broly appears in front of him and tries to hit him, but he dodges and blocks before being knocked back, he then charges back at Broly and punches him rapidly in the stomach before Broly screams in anger once more and his short disintegrates as he grows larger and his hair turns Green, Y/N punches him in the face, it does nothing to Broly as he punches Y/N, sending him flying as he ends up hitting the edge of the broken reality, he gets punched through it by Broly, he then goes Super Saiyan God and punches Broly rapidly before blocking his attacks and kicking him in the face, Broly gets knocked back again and goes to hit Y/N, their firsts clash and it seems like the broken reality unshatters and Y/N and Broly appear back in the arctic, Broly hits the ground and screams in anger and frustration before he charges at Y/N to kick him, while he avoids, before he then tries to shoot Y/N with a Ki blast, but Y/N shoots at him with a Ki blast, blinding him momentarily before Y/N kicks him in the face and starts to run at him with two green Ki spheres in his hands, Beoly swings his head around as he screams in anger before he then starts to breathe fire(This scene is so goddamn awesome) and Y/N dodges it and jumps over Broly before throwing the two Ki spheres at him and then he fires the Kamehameha with one hand and the Gallick Gun with his other, they hit Broly and make him scream in pain, making Y/N feel terrible, as Y/N then rushes to Broly to make sure he's okay, but Broly charges out and tries to hit Y/N, he dodges Broly's hit and goes for a punch before appearing behind Broly and shooting the Omega Blaster at Broly, making him scream in absolute pain as Y/N lands on the ground before the sky turns dark and Y/N senses Cheelai and Lemo's power level near the Dragon Balls

Y/N: "Yes! Those geniuses!"

Broly stands up and grunts in pain and anger before a dark green aura surrounds him and he screams in pain and anger as the aura grows larger and he stands there

Broly stands up and grunts in pain and anger before a dark green aura surrounds him and he screams in pain and anger as the aura grows larger and he stands there

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Broly charges at Y/N again, Y/N goes to kick him but Broly block, it leaves Broly's side open as Y/N takes the opportunity to punch Broly in the stomach, which knocks him back, Broly stops and fired the Omega Blaster at Y/N, who dodges it before charging at Broly and rapidly punching him again, Broly gets knocked back and shoots hundreds of Green Ki blasts at Y/N, he dodged them all and hits Broly in the face, he then starts to punch him rapidly, Broly stands at the side of a mountain, Y/N charges his energy, making the aura around him grow larger as Broly charges at him and tries to punch him, but Y/N blocks it, the force of the attack making the ice split open and apart, the ground breaks and Lava and molten rock ride before Y/N knocks Broly back again, he then rapidly punches Broly again, and Broly is in the air, Y/N throws hundreds of Ki blasts into the air before putting his hands together, making all the surrounding Ki blasts go straight for Broly, Broly screams in pain as a huge explosion surrounds them and makes a crater in the ground, before Y/N tosses a Green dot towards Broly and puts his other hand on his hand, he yells


And he shoots the Omega Blaster and Special Beam Cannon at Broly, who suddenly comes to his senses, screaming in terror as he sees the attacks heading towards him, then Broly disappears right before the attacks hit him Y/N feels his Ki suddenly disappear, he then realizes that he's now on another planet, as his power level also lowers, Y/N smiles but looks down at his hands, he clenches them, he looks down in frustration before he disappears, he appears on Planet Vampa in his base form, he appears near Broly, who's standing, looking around confused, he walks to Broly

Y/N: "Uncle Broly!"

Broly turns around and sees him, he walks to Y/N and puts his hand on Y/N's shoulder before they disappear
(A/N: Sorry you had to wait so long for a follow up chapter... And sorry I didn't write anything about Towa and anyone else entering Y/N's mind to help him out or using magic to pull him out, instead of just writing down that it happened... I was originally gonna write that... But I couldn't think of anything for that... But... At least you got to read about Y/N and Broly fighting... Even if it was mostly just me describing the Broly vs Gogeta fight... Anyways... That's it for today... See ya on the other side, guys)