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You, Goku, and Gine have arrived on Earth and Goku is introducing everyone to his mother, she is being extraordinary kind to everyone, when suddenly a blue sphere appears in the sky and out of it comes a short pink woman who looks like a child, she walks over to you and says

Supreme Kai of Time: "Hello there. It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Supreme Kai of Time."

She extends her hand out to you and you shake it

Y/N: "Uh... Pleasure to meet you too..."

SKOT(Supreme Kai of Time): "Sorry for the random enterance, but we need your help, people are disrupting time in one of the timelines, and this maybe a weird thing to hear, but in most timelines you-"

Y/N: "Don't exist? Yeah, I know, I've fought Cell and he said I didn't exist in his original timeline."

SKOT: "Oh... Well just to know, the Trunks you're about to talk to isn't your Trunks and you don't exist in his timeline, and make sure not to call miss Bulma "Mom" when you meet her. Now, can you help us?"

Y/N: "Of course."

You turn to everyone and say

Y/N: "Guys, I have no idea how long I will be gone, but I'm sure I will be back before next week."

You then walk with Supreme Kai of Time and then fly into the air, you turn to everyone and wave goodbye, you then enter the portal and close your eyes as you see a bright light and when you open them you see that you're in a huge city and Supreme Kai of Time walks infront of you and says

SKOT: "Welcome! To Conton City!"

You then walk with Supreme Kai of Time to a huge doorway thing with a bright light and walk into it, when you enter it you see a huge temple thing and Supreme Kai of Time brings you to it, you enter and see Trunks and Elder Kai, you walk over to them with Supreme Kai of Time and say

Y/N: "So you're the Trunks that Supreme Kai of Time has told me about, and you must be a version of Edler Kai."

Trunks: "That's true. I heard that you're my adoptive Brother in your Timeline."

Y/N: "Yep. I'm also married to Android 18. Speaking of which, who is she married to in your Timeline?"

Trunks: "Krillin."

Y/N: "What about Zangya?"

Trunks: "Killed by Bojack."

Y/N: "So without me she doesn't survive?"

Trunks: "Well... she does survive in some Timelines... but those are weird and usually end up with her and Gohan-"

Y/N: "Okay, I think I've heard enough of those Timelines."

Trunks: "Good, cause I do not wanna say anymore about them..."

SKOT: "Can we get back to the subject at hand?!"

Y/N: "Oh yeah, what is it?"

SKOT: "Someone's entered the battle between Goku and Beerus. It replaces the Battle between you and Beerus, you need to beat them!"

Y/N: "Okay. So... how do I get there?"

She hands you a Scroll and you then appear where the Battle between Goku and Beerus is, you see a masked guy who has Goku's hairstyle

Y/N: "The hell? Is this some kind of Clone of Goku?"