Epilogue part 2

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On planet Vegeta(If you didn't read the last chapter, it was brought back by Y/N, along with everyone who lived on it who was there when it was destroyed, so anyone with the name of a Saiyan is the grandson/granddaughter of said Saiyan), King Vegeta's grandson, Vegeta the fourth, is sparring with Goku Jr, and Piccolo, a relatively short, humanlike man in a black robe walks towards the gates of the Palace, the guards run towards him but are dispatched with ease, he walks through the gates of the castle, a large group of other men like him are following behind with a massive box, Piccolo, Vegeta, and Goku look down at him with confusion

Goku: "Who are you?"

Cajun: "Good afternoon, Gentlemen, my name is Cajun... Now, with the introductions out of the way, please get off of my planet..."

Vegeta: "Your Planet?"

Cajun: "Yes, have you ever heard of the Tuffles?"

Piccolo: "What do you want?"

Cajun: "What is rightfully mine... Planet Tuffle!"

Vegeta: "Planet Tuffle was conquered by and had it's name changed to Planet Vegeta by the Saiyans over a century ago, so it is no longer the Tuffles homeworld, sir, now LEAVE."

Cajun laughs

Cajun: "I am SO happy you said that... Or else we'd have brung THAT here for nothing..."

He points at the giant box behind him

Piccolo: "What is in the box, "Cajun"?"

Cajun: "Oh, it's merely a gift... Well, a PARTING gift... As in it will part you... Part of you here, part of you there, and part of you way over there, STAINING THE WALL!"

Vegeta and Goku run at Cajun, who dodges their attacks and makes a Ki blade, he attempts to stab and slash them both, failing, but he almost lands multiple Ki blasts attacks, until Piccolo powers up to his Orange form, Cajun slashes at him and shoots at him, but Piccolo dodges every attack and punches him in the stomach, Cajun gets knocked backwards, he stands up, holding his stomach

Cajun: "Show off..."

Piccolo: "This is your final warning, if you leave now, I will show you mercy..."

Cajun: "You think I'd give up that easily...?"

Piccolo: "Yes, give up. You're no match for our strength."

Cajun grins evilly

Cajun: "I know... But THIS is..."

He appears on top of the box and it opens up, revealing a MASSIVE cannon, Piccolo gets into his fighting stance, ready to deflect the blast, a pink(Specifically the gradient 90305D) Ki blast comes out of the cannon, Dende opens his eyes and grabs his chest, holding his staff, he stands up

Dende: "Oh no... Piccolo... Is he dead...? Is he captured...? I need to tell Y/N!"