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*Me and 18 are at a restaraunt I was wearing a tuxedo*

*Me and 18 are at a restaraunt I was wearing a tuxedo*

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18: "So... I won't lie... this is my first time going on a date with someone after banging them..."

Y/N: "Same for me too... it's also my first time being on a date. I'm happy that we could go out tonight, I love spending time with you."

18: "I love spending time with you too Y/N, even if it's kinda weird that we met less than 1 month before we started dating and you were 14 but then when we started dating you were 18."

Y/N: "Yeah does sound kinda weird... anyways, atleast when we get home we'll be able to spend as much time as we want alone~"

*I say raising my eyebrows*

18: "Aw, you're so adorable when you try to act romantic... but we could spend some time alone when we get home~"

*She said with a seductive smile and I could feel that I had started to blush and she chuckled slightly*

18: "For being the one who killed a giant evil bug man who was gonna destroy the planet, you're surprisingly adorable."

Y/N: "And for being a cyborg you're surprisingly sexual."

*Then the waiter walks up to us*

Samuel: "Good evening, I'm Samuel, and I'll be your server for tonight, let me start you off with your water sparkling or still?"

18: "I'll take sparkling."

Y/N: "And I'll have-"

Samuel: "Wonderful, I'll be back soon. In the meantime, definitely take a look at those apitisers. I suggest the clams, they go down *Smooth*."

*He then walks off*

Y/N: "Never been a fan of clams myself."

18: "You definitely don't seem like a 'Shellfish' guy."

Y/N: "This is one of the many reasons I love you. I don't know why though, it's just so weird when you make jokes."

18: "Cause i'm half robot?"

Y/N: "Yeah, being half terminator does make it feel kinda weird."

18: "Well, how about when we get back to the house, I make you my 'Sarrah Conner'~."

Y/N: "That is... oddly arousing..."

18: "I thought about saying John Connor, but..."

Y/N: "Yeah, no."

18: "Right, yeah."

*Just then Samuel shows up again*

Samuel: "Hey there, have we had a chance to look at the menu?"

Y/N: "No, not yet, i'm about to."

*I hear them talking while I'm reading the menu but eventually I hear him say something about his number, so I stop reading to check on what they're talking about and I see them both just staring still and saying nothing*