Chapter - 28

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Happy reading, honey buns!

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Happy reading, honey buns!

(Not edited or proofread)

"Well still Vennu, I promise I will visit here regularly but I can't stay here and neither I can afford this",Ekantha said and Vennela shook her head in disappointment.

"We'll talk about this once you are back home? Okay? You just wait here, I will be back in 5 minutes. I am dropping you and I am not listening a no",she said and rushed to the rest room to get freshened up even before Ekantha could speak something.

Ekantha went outside the room to find her mother sitting on the chair with a tensed look on her face.

"Amma, I'm going to school if there is any emergency just give me a call and take care of yourself. I will look for some houses when I come back from work",she said to which her mother nodded.

Ekantha pressed her hand tight and blinked her eyes in assurance while her mother nodded.

She didn't knew what to say to her mother to give assurance to her that everything will be fine, when she didn't know herself if everything will be fine or not.

"Ekantha, shall we go?",Vennela asked picking her scooty keys.

"Yeah, bye amma",she bid bye to her mother and walked to the parking lot along with Vennela.

Vennela drove her to the school. Her mother had some other work that day so she would go to school later on.

"Ekantha, ping me when you are done. I'll pick you up, okay?",Vennela said.

"Ah, no Vennu! Actually Abhi said he will pick me up. I need to talk to him",she said to which Vennela nodded.

They reached the school and Ekantha got down,picking her bag and placing it over her shoulder.

"Everything will be okay, if you need anything just don't forget to text me. Have an amazing day ahead, okay?",she said and Ekantha gave her a small smile and nodded.

Ekantha went inside the school. She was early than she had to be and she quickly signed the entry book and went to her cabin. She couldn't neglect her duties here no matter how bad her life was going, she just pushed herself to work for this.

She checked the mails and made a note of things that she had to discuss with Asmita and then made a social media handle for their school. She looked at a few videos to make profile picture for the social media handle, by that time Asmita and her colleagues were there.

"Good morning, Ekantha! You're early today?",Asmita asked her.

"Good morning, Asmita. Yeah, had some work so I came early",she said and smiled.

She went out for the school assembly and came back to work after the assembly. She had to meet the team again after the school at same spot and before that she had to make an action plan. Along side she had some administration related work.

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