Chapter - 29

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Happy reading, honey buns!

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Happy reading, honey buns!

"What?",Abhi was confused.

"Yeah, why would you marry a girl who left the home and is living apart only with her mother. Your family wouldn't like it Abhi, they'll move back from this proposal",she started blabbering thinking about all the impossible outcomes.

"Ammu, can you please stop putting this brain of yours into too much work?",he asked and she was almost on the verge of crying.

It didn't take her long to break down into tears, every word, every scene with him, everything that he said was ringing in her eyes and seeing in front of her eyes. She shut her eyes tight and closed her ears, she was shivering.

Abhi just held her hand and patted her shoulders gently. He tried telling her some affirmative words but it was of no use, she broke down further. He got down from the car, went to her side and opened her side car door and sat on his knees. Her face was dipped in her palms and he just kept looking at her with a worried face. He didn't know what to do in such a situation, it was scary and the thing he hated is, he was of no help to her situation.

"Ammu, please calm down! Wait, drink some water. Everything will get better, we'll deal with this together. I'm here with you. You aren't alone in anything, even if you fall I'm here to hold you and take care of you. I promise, I'll be there with you no matter what. I..before anything, I want to be your best friend, Ammu. Don't worry from next time if something like this happens and you are anxious. I'll see what would make you feel better, not that I want it to happen again. We..We'll work on it,okay? Now wipe your tears for me please?",he said and she removed her face from her palms and looked at him.

Her red puffy eyes,a shade of black under her eyes and her face and palms completely wet. She wiped her face with her dupatta and was sniffing back to prevent anymore tears from her eyes.

"People said things to me, Abhi. I wouldn't term them as something bad but it hurt me in every way it could ever do. Slowly, I am habitual to those words. They do hurt me, but they've gradually become a part of my life. Hearing such words from people was only something which happened in my dreams *laugh* but then they decided to spoil that also. Now that I am finally out of it, it all feels like a childhood dream and I'm scared they'll spoil this too",Ekantha said in an emotionless voice.

Abhi could feel the pain and trauma that she went through. He promised himself that he would never hurt her no matter what and make her realize how precious she is to him and that's all that mattered.

"Ammu, it might be difficult to feel the love or be loved but just remember they didn't treat you the way you deserve to be treated as. I don't know everything, so I'll not talk about it but one thing, I'll tell you is you deserve the best and never compromise for any less. You need to reach the sky, Ammu and nobody can restrict you from doing so, not even me and not even yourself",he said and cupped her face bringing it close to his touching both their foreheads.

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