Chapter - 21

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Happy reading, honey buns!

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Happy reading, honey buns!

Ekantha was still sitting in the lawn. She didn't know if she should feel guilty about what just happened or not. She wanted to clear it out, unlike the last time when she just over thought about everything.

On the other hand, Abhi was having his dinner in a restaurant and his phone started ringing. It was from Ekantha. He contemplated answering the call.

Sighing he answered the call.

"Hello?",her voice came from the other side and her voice sounded quite worried.

"Ammu, all okay?",he asked. It genuinely scared him. Her voice was too low and worried.

"Yeah, I just asked you to call if you had your lunch?",she spoke.

"Lunch? Call? Ammu, are you okay?",he asked yet again.

"Sorry, sorry! You must be busy. I'll call you later",she said and before she disconnected the call he spoke.

"Ma'am, I am not busy and I am guessing you called me to clear out the thing which happened. I would be lying if I say I didn't feel bad, I did feel bad but one thing I am happy is, you are here to speak and communicate about it. I am happy about it. Now, now, we'll talk all things but not now, we will talk tomorrow evening if  possible. I am going to sleep the entire day because who is going to do an all night shoot? Me, me, me. I need some energy and I am done eating. Now have to go back to work",he said it all out and she heard everything with a small smile on her face.

"Why don't you rest before going back? Or atleast pack up early?",she asked.

"I'll try my best to! By the way, how was your day?",he asked.

"It was long and tiring. I said yes to take up the social media department",she said.

"That's really nice. All the best ammu",he said and there was an awkward silence followed by.

"Ammu, I'll call you back. I have to drive now",he said.

"Drive safe, and take care. Bye",she said.

"You too, good night",he said and ended the call.

Ekantha laid down on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She still felt there was some kind of uncomfortable thing there in between them.

Sleep was far to reach, she felt like she just cleared one thing and there is another thing already in her life.

She was tired of solving one problem after another. She just wanted to stop all these.

She put on some songs on her headphones and let all the emotions in her come out.

On the other hand, Abhi was busy in his shoot. He had to do a lot of work and Kinnera was there to help him but he needed another assistant. Kinnera was trying her best to not make any mistake.

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