Chapter - 51

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Hello dear readers, Happy New Year and Happy Reading!

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Hello dear readers, Happy New Year and Happy Reading!

In middle of his sleep, he felt like someone was waking him up.

He opened one of his eyes to see who it was and his eyes were wide open and he got the shock of his life.

Ekantha was sitting there in front of him and looking at him.

"What are you doing here at this time Ammu? How did you even come here? Do you know what the time is?Do you understand how unsafe it can be?",he asked panicked.

She didn't answer, and for a second he thought she was his imagination. He pinched himself and felt the pain, which confirmed it was reality.

"You are really here for real? Oh my god, hold me I might faint",he said acting dramatic to which she just put her index finger on his lips signalling him to be silent.

His world stopped and he was just a step away from screaming his lungs out. First of all she was here in his home at odd hours of night without any intimation and now she, Ekantha was asking him to be silent by putting a finger on his lips. He was genuinely getting scared thinking if she might be possessed.

"Abhi, why do you look like this?",she whispered.

"Look like what? I am shocked to see you here, first I thought it was just my imagination but you ended up here and you- Forget it. Are you okay? What happened? Why are you here?",he asked.

"I just wanted to talk, I couldn't sleep with so many things going on in my mind",she said.

"Okay, you could have called then?",he asked.

"I could have, but I am not a call person Abhi! I can only talk properly when you are here right in front of me",she said looking side ways while he continued to look at her.

"Okay, but still you should have called,Ammu. We could have met outside, not that I don't want you in here. It's just that society is like a big boss house, every nook and corner there is a human camera watching and judging you. Though I care less about it. I don't want you to go through their judgemental talks and gossips. That's all",he said in one go.

"But the matter I came here for, is about that only Abhi! What was your opinion regarding the engagement?",she came straight up to the point. She was tired of keeping it to herself and taking the pain all by herself.

"Ammu, come here!",he held her hand and put his hand in hers holding it assuringly.

"What do you think? I will definitely say about what I have in my mind, but for a change let me know what you have in your mind first, is that okay with you?",he asked and she nodded.

"I am having neutral thoughts, Abhi. I did think about the society too, like how it will affect us. But it feels too soon to me. I am not saying no to engagement here, I am not denying the fact that I love you. I love you, and there's no looking back regarding that. I just feel so overwhelmed, maybe if they would have asked once before taking the decision I would have thought regarding it",she said.

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