Chapter - 8

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Happy reading, honey buns!

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Happy reading, honey buns!

Ekantha woke up at 3am, she wasn't able to sleep at all. Her head was aching and her brain was totally in a confused state. She didn't knew what to trust and what not to. She was in a dilemma whether to trust her eyes which has seen it or the eyes which has seen his sincerity and her heart which says he is genuine.

She hugged her pillow tight and started writing all her broken feelings in a diary. She was feeling empty, all from inside and letting her feelings out was the only thing which was possible with her diary which she quickly did. The darkness of the room was far better than the darkness she is in.

She felt everything in her life was always complicated and everytime she thinks about it she ends up blaming herself. Every day the light that comes through the window, it isn't enough to remove all the darkness in her life. Every time she felt like giving up, she had herself to take care of and to make herself proud but not anyone. Not even her cousins neither her parents. She was her best friend and worst enemy as well. No matter what she never stopped believing in herself that she would be better one day.

The days passed in a jiffy and it was weekend already, it means they had to meet up. All these days, he didn't dared to talk to her, he wanted her to analyze things and get them back better. She didn't do it too. Last night he texted her that he would pick her at around 10am and they would go to their office once and then go for their date.

She got ready in her casual wear and made her hair into a high pony. She was not really interested in this, she wanted to say a NO to the wedding after going on a date with him today. She wants a closure, which is definitely going to affect her but she was sure she would be able to come out of it. After all nothing is impossible.

She took her wallet and her phone and walked out of the home after informing her parents about her plans. They were happy to see them and seeing that she was sad, she didn't wanted to snatch their happiness. She felt she did it quite a lot times and they need to be happy and she would do anything for that.

"Uhm! Ekantha! Where are you lost? Are you okay? Shall we start?",he asked.

" Huh! Yea sure!",she said shaking her head from all the thoughts that have been haunting her.

They reached his office and all through the ride, silence prevailed and both of them could sense the awkwardness in the air.

"I will stay, you come after completing your work",she said.

"No, I mean it would be great if you could come in. I will introduce you to my colleagues",he said with a dilemma if she would feel it is too much, but she let out a  sad chuckle and went along with him.

He stood in the middle of the office and called everyone.

" What bro? You are on leave enjoying with the love of your life. Let us do our work at least",Rehman said.

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