Chapter - 16

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{ Above song while reading can make it feel even more better, I wrote while listening to it }

{ Above song while reading can make it feel even more better, I wrote while listening to it }

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Happy reading, honey buns!

She looked at her text and kept a hand on her heart. It was racing like she is running in a marathon. She kept her phone aside unwillingly and went to freshen up. It was 5pm and her mom was asleep. She made some coffee for herself and sat near the garden in her home.

Her phone was just beside her, and it buzzed. She opened it to see if it was from Abhi, but unfortunately it was from Asmita she opened the text and it had some work related information which she needed to work on at home as well.

She completed drinking her coffee while spending time with her dear plant friends. She was checking if there was any message from Abhi time to time. She got back to her room and started working on her laptop, she had a few things to mail and a few things to send and take permissions from as well.

Every time the phone buzzed, her heart rate would go very high and when she notices it's not from the person whom she was expecting she keeps the phone back on the table.

On the other side, Abhi was totally occupied with work. His team got a project for the wedding with all the rituals and post wedding as well. Along with Kinnera, he was searching for locations. He didn't have time to check his phone.

It was late in the evening and they still got few locations to check out, he asked Kinnera to go back home and he would cover the rest of them accordingly before he heads back to office and get them into his laptop.

He opened his phone to see a few texts from multiple people, but the one from Ekantha aka Ammu caught his attention. He quickly opened it and reading the last part of the message, his heart wasn't in its place. He was standing on the road and smiling ear to ear. He quickly typed back to her.

You don't have any idea, what your words make me go like! I missed you too ammu, sorry for the late reply. Had to go check locations for an upcoming wedding. So far day was tiring but this text from you made it fly all the tiredness 😁, I'll be late to home today maybe. I sent Kinnera home as it's going to be night soon. I'll go check out few locations and head to office to put all the things into my laptop and then head home. You better take care of yourself, Eat your dinner, don't be workaholic on the second day of your work itself 😉 Gotta go, bye!

He sent a long text to her, if it was usual he preferred calls over texts because he believes calls make you feel the other person's emotions better. But, keeping his work on top priority for now he decided to leave her a text, moreover he didn't knew if she was comfortable with calls or not. At that moment he smacked himself for thinking a lot about the text he just sent a few seconds ago.

After Kinnera's brother came to pick her up, he drove to the locations to take in some details regarding them as well as see how much they cost per a fortnight/a week. He had to visit 3 locations and one was nearby to his office so he decided to visit that one at the end.

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