Chapter - 24

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Happy reading, honey buns!

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Happy reading, honey buns!

Dedicated to all those who feel that they are an emotional burden to people around them! You aren't, you are precious, you are unique in your own way!

"Thank you, Abhi",Ekantha started the conversation.

"For?",he asked seeming confused why was she even thanking him.

"Mayu told me that you talked to uncle and aunty",she said.

"Oh, that! It's nothing, Ekantha! We're all good. Where were you coming from by the way? Are you okay?",he asked.

"I don't know if I am okay, or if everything is okay or not but one thing I am clear about is I will try to make everything okay",she said determined.

"You don't need to struggle for that, Ammu. As long as you have me, you have your cousins, you have your best friend you can do it slowly. No hurry at all. Go at your pace. Make yourself comfortable according to the situation first",he said.

"Thank you, Abhi for always understanding me. Vennela always used to tell me that one day I will definitely find someone who can understand me better than I do and I am so sorry I couldn't give you the answer yet. Before I take any decision about us, I want to get clear with a few things. I don't want to carry them into a new thing and burden myself and you also",Ekantha said.

"I know ammu, I was guilty and regretted instantly for putting you in such situation. I am sorry, I know it might take some time but we'll definitely have a future together. My gut feeling says it all and directly or indirectly you gave me the answer. I am indeed happy",Abhi said.

"Please don't feel guilty about this, if you haven't done this. I would never have been able to see what was actually happening. Any ways what's done is done",she said and he nodded.

"What about your late night shoot yesterday? How did it go?",she asked.

"All good, but just little issues here and there. I think I should be able to manage that",he said.

"What did Mayu say to bring you out?",she asked.

"Well, she said she wants to show me something. Amma and appa were talking about it and I wanted to be there and listen to what they speak but all good as long as everything goes well",he said and she nodded.

"How is Vennela? Everything okay between you both?",he asked and that's when Ekantha realised she didn't tell him about it all.

Quickly she briefed him everything that happened.

"Don't worry, All that starts well, will definitely end well",he said.

"Let's go in? I really am eager and tensed about the situation inside",he said and she nodded in approval.

Both of them walked alongside, their hands brushed creating a tingling sensation within themselves.

Hiding their little smiles which was playing on their lips. They entered the living room to find the atmosphere quite tensed.

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