Chapter - 32

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Happy reading, honey buns!

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Happy reading, honey buns!

The night was the usual, she was able to doze off for a while but woke up earlier than usual. For some reason, her sub conscious was still thinking about things even though her brain refused to think about things.

Early hours in the morning, she made up her mind to meditate for a while. She pulled a mat out of the rack and spread it out neatly. She sat in Indian style and slowly closed her eyes.

As soon as she closed her eyes, all the scenes from the past started to appear in front of her eyes. It was getting difficult, it felt as though she was re living all the moments once again. Her breathing started to fall slow and slow. She was trying to take deep breaths but it felt like that was the most difficult thing that she ever did in her life.

Hearing her deep breaths, Vennela woke up to see Ekantha was sweating and her breathing was very passive. She took her hands in hers and started rubbing them.

"Ekantha, Ekantha, deep breathes! Are you okay?",she shook her.

Ekantha wasn't able to respond back, she was trying to catch up with her breathing. After a few minutes she was able to get back to a normal stage. Vennela got up from her place and rushed to get the water bottle from the side table beside their bed.

She got it, and handed to Ekantha opening the bottle cap. Ekantha took it from her and gulped it in one go. It felt like, she found an oasis in the desert.

Vennela rubbed her back and side hugged her.

"How are you feeling now?",Vennela asked.

"I wouldn't lie, nothing seems to work Vennela",Ekantha admitted.

"What happened just now? Was it an at-", before Vennela could complete her sentence Ekantha nodded.

"Yes, it was an attack and this is not the first time",Ekantha replied.

"I feel so bad that you have to go through this, Ekantha. Just remember you're not alone and I am with you in this",Vennela said and Ekantha just gave her a small smile.

"I am so sorry, I disturbed your sleep. You should go back to sleep, Vennela. I am sorry once again",Ekantha said.

"C'mon Ekantha, it's not a big deal when compared to you. Sleep is secondary, you are my priority right now. I don't care what happens",Vennela replied.

"But still, you have work and you won't be able to sleep in the afternoon. It's only 3:30am now and there's a lot of time for you to wake up. Go back to sleep, I will just sit in the balcony. I need to calm myself down",Ekantha said.

"Are you sure? Because, I don't want to take a chance. I can actually accompany you to the balcony",Vennela said.

"I am sure, I just need some time alone",she said to which Vennela nodded.

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