💗 Valentine's Special 💗

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The bright morning rays were hitting the room and unusually, Mr. Abhimanyu was up from his bed and got dressed in his special outfit for the day which he searched the whole mall for almost half of the day and then finalized it.

What's so special, you might ask? Well, it is special! It's his first valentines, with his valentine

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What's so special, you might ask? Well, it is special! It's his first valentines, with his valentine. The thought of her brings a small smile onto his face as he facepalms himself shaking his head imagining what all would happen on this day.

God knows, how much the sales girl was fed up from his side because he wouldn't agree till he gets the proper navy blue colour. He got to know that it was her favorite color and decided to pair it accordingly for his outfit for the day.

"Do I look cute? Why are my palms sweating? Agh, it's just a valentines day! But, God I just hope I don't mess up anywhere and I hope she likes the things I planned for her",he thinks in his mind still looking at the mirror and setting his hair.

After he felt like, it was just perfect! He put on his sunglasses and walked out of the room in search of his wallet and phone.

"Why are you walking out of your room like you are a model and you are walking on a ramp?", Mayuri asked eyeing his whole outfit and looking at him in pure suspicion.

"Atleast I am worth the ramp",Abhimanyu said as Mayuri rolled her eyes at him.

"Oh, oh, oh! So it's a valentine date, I see", she said wriggling her eye brows.

"Yes, it's my first time and so is hers! I'm nervous and she will be more than nervous. Hopefully I will make her feel comfortable around me. Hopefully we'll enjoy our 'date' ",he said settling down on the couch beside her.

"Rey, annaya! Stop thinking so much and just go enjoy your day! First date jitters will be there, you'll do well and my annaya is a wholesome gentleman so worry not, you won't let her feel uncomfortable, make sure you are not uncomfortable, alright?", Mayuri said posing like a love guru.

"How do you know about all these? Why do I feel like you are hiding something?",Abhi asked narrowing his eyes at her.

"Go now! Do you want to be late for your first date? Wait, what did you plan though?",Mayuri asked trying to divert the topic.

"You won't tell me what you are hiding, and I won't tell you what I planned so off I go to my date! Bye bye!",Abhimanyu said and ran off from there grabbing his wallet and phone from the table.

"Traitor",Mayuri yelled as he was outside wearing those white shoes which Ekantha gifted him for the first time.

"Look who says, the traitor herself and don't think we're done with this conversation! We'll continue this again later",Abhimanyu said.

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