Chapter - 33

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Happy reading, honey buns!

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Happy reading, honey buns!

Ekantha was trying to concentrate on her office work, but failed utterly since her thoughts were roaming around Abhi.

Is he okay? Did something happen? Did her mom talk to his mom and they fought?

Many such thoughts were roaming in her head and she placed her hands on the table and closed her eyes for a few minutes untill she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She turned around to see Asmita standing there with a worried face.

"Are you doing okay, Ekantha? You seem distracted",Asmita said.

"Yes, I am okay. Just some usual issues, don't worry Asmita! I am fine",she said giving a small smile on her face.

Asmita nodded and went from there. Ekantha tried completing her work as quickly as possible. It felt like time was going in slow motion.

Her phone buzzed with a notification from Anika.

Ani 💗
You're coming after your school is done right?

It hit Ekantha that she promised that she would meet Anika that day and there was no chance to postpone it at all.

Yeah! Will meet at our spot!

Ekantha literally prayed that Abhi texts her back before she goes to meet Anika. She didn't want her attention to be somewhere else when she was going to meet her cousin and discuss about things.

It was lunch time and Ekantha didn't feel like having her lunch. She opened her phone and started scrolling through it. Finding no interest in continuing, she kept her phone aside and decided to do her work quickly and meet Anika after that. After which if possible she wanted to meet Abhi once.

The rest of the day she tried completing her work as quickly as possible. Just when she was about to leave Asmita came up to her.

"Ekantha, there's some last minute entries that need to be done. Will you be able to do it? I would have assigned it to others but seems like they have neck deep work already and I have to go for dental check up today",Asmita said while Ekantha looked at her confused.

"Uh.. Okay Asmita. I'll do it no worries. How many entries by the way?",Ekantha asked already feeling bad that she would be late to meet Anika and then she wouldn't have time to go meet Abhi.

After having a brief conversation about the work details, Asmita left from there and Ekantha started to work on the details. It was almost going to take an hour and half even if she did it at the most speed.

Having no other option, she started working and informed Anika that she'd be there but a bit late to which Anika agreed.

It was evening six o clock and yet she didn't receive any message from Abhi which made it sound quite suspicious.

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