Ch. 1 No Hesitation

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Your POV

I was sitting in my last class of the day, finishing up my final bit of homework, when I heard the familiar sound of the bell ringing, announcing the end of the school day. I packed up my things and put them in my backpack before making my way out of the classroom and outside of the school building.

I sighed to myself and began my long walk home. Sure, I was a good student that always remembered to study and keep myself in decent shape, but I was also kind of socially awkward. To say the least, I was a complete nerd who wasn't good at easily making friends. My parents were always busy with their jobs, so I didn't see them often during the week.

As I was walking, I noticed a young girl, who couldn't have been any older than 9 or 10, playing with a friend of hers up ahead. I then saw that the ball they were playing with suddenly bounced across the street. As I watched the girl began to cross the street to retrieve her ball, I caught sight of a fast moving semi-truck flying down the road in the direction of the little girl.

Without any hesitation, I quickly threw my backpack to the ground as I ran over and shoved the girl out of harm's way. The last thing I heard was the brief sound of tires beginning to squeal combined with the semi-truck's horn before everything went dark.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself sitting in a chair in an endless dark room. The only other thing I saw was an empty white chair facing me, with a matching side table next to it. I then heard a female voice speak from nearby and it said, "Welcome, Y/N L/N, to the afterlife. Your life, while as short as it was, is officially over, and now you are dead."

After briefly flinching from the sheer bluntness of the statement, I sighed and looked over to see who I assumed was the owner of the voice walking over to the white chair facing me. Judging by her appearance and the current circumstances, I quickly came to the conclusion that this blue-haired girl was some type of goddess. I recalled the events that just took place prior to arriving here, and asked, "Is that little girl okay?"

The mysterious goddess nodded and said, "Aside from a scraped knee, she is alive thanks to you. Her older sister, who was nearby, witnessed you sacrificing yourself to save her. Right now, they are both by your bedside at the hospital, with the little girl crying while the older sister explains everything to your parents." I nodded sadly and said, "Well, at least I know that my death wasn't meaningless. I suppose you're here to guide me to heaven?"

The goddess smiled lightly and said, "Not exactly. I am the Water Goddess, Aqua. I have been keeping watch over the Japanese people who had died young and I have a proposal for you to consider. And before you ask, I do know that you were born in America and lived there as well. However, your father was Japanese and your mother was American, which makes you half Japanese, so that still counts."

I nodded slowly and said, "I already knew about being half Japanese, but I still appreciate the explanation. Either way, it's nice to meet you, Lady Aqua. So what's this proposal of yours?" She smiled warmly and said, "I'm giving you three choices on where to go from here. The first option is simply that you can start your life over and be reborn on Earth as a baby in a new family, but you would have all of your memory wiped, effectively erasing your existence to become something of a blank slate."

I nodded to show that I understood and allowed her to continue as she said, "The second choice is to pass on and go to heaven. But if I'm being honest, it's not as great as you were led to believe. In heaven, you won't have a physical body nor will you have any sort of entertainment or anything like that, so you'd be alone with your ancestors for all of eternity."

I let out a small sigh as I realized that choosing that option would leave me with the unfortunate implication of living a totally uneventful life for eternity. And if I chose the first option, I'd be giving up everything I know and care about that has led me to the very person I've become. I looked back up at Aqua and said, "You mentioned a third option?"

She gave me a smile and said, "Well, you remember those fantasy RPG games that you played on occasion? There's this other world that exists amd it's much similar to those RPG worlds. However it's currently being terrorized by a Devil King. His army's invasion forced this Fantasy World into a dire state as the locals killed by the Devil King's Army were too afraid to return, causing the world to suffer."

I nodded and said, "I see, but what does this have to do with me?" Aqua smiled a bit more and answered, "The Gods had decided to infuse new life by transferring souls from other worlds to the Fantasy World with the focus on those who had had the unfortunate life of dying young with all their memories and physical functions intact. As a bonus, also a way to prevent these new souls from dying straight out of woodwork, each of them would be given one thing to compensate for their reincarnation; be it a special skill, a talent or even a relic class weapon that would enable these reincarnated people to become powerful combatants instantaneously. That is your third option."

I smiled a slight bit and said, "I think I'll choose that option then. And I've already got an idea in mind for my one thing." The water goddess looked at me a bit surprised and said, "That was a bit fast compared to most people, don't you think? But whatever, what is the thing you wish to have?" I took a deep breath and said, "My wish is to be able to easily wield Frodo Baggins' sword, 'Sting', from the Lord of the Rings series, but I want it to glow blue only if dangerous enemies are nearby."

Aqua looked at me a slight bit astonished and said, "That was very well thought out, even though I'm somewhat surprised that you chose that sword out of all of the weapons from that series, especially with how small it is compared to pretty much every other weapon from that series. But since it's what you wish to receive, you'll still get it nonetheless." She waved her hand around a bit, then I saw a familiar sheathed sword appear in front of me.

I gently pulled the sword partially out of the sheath, revealing the beautiful Elven short-sword in its glory. I smiled as I pushed it back into the sheath and secured the sheath on my hip with my belt. I looked back at Aqua and said, "Thank you, Lady Aqua." She rolled her eyes as she snapped her fingers and a blue circle illuminated the floor below my feet, and I then felt myself slowly begin to rise up as Aqua half-heartedly wished me luck.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and enjoy this fanfic.
Master out.

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