Ch. 8 Daily Explosion

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Your POV

I was fast asleep in my room at the inn. Suddenly I heard a soft voice of a girl, whispering in my ear, "Y/N... Y/N, wake up." I let out a slight groan in response, but didn't move as I began falling back asleep. But that didn't last long as I felt something start shaking me by my shoulders as the voice called out my name once more. Still half asleep, I didn't even bother to open my eyes as I said sleepily, "Ughhh... five more minutes..."

The female voice spoke again and said, "Y/N, come on, get up." Reluctantly, I slowly opened my eyes to see none other than Megumin standing beside my bed. I yawned and said, "Huh? Megumin?" Seeing that I finally woke up, her face lit up a little as she said cheerfully, "Morning Y/N! How did you sleep?" I looked at her confused and said, "Alright, I guess... What are you doing in my room? Wait. Better question. How did you know where I was staying?"

Megumin proudly puffed out her chest as she replied, "Hehehe, I'm the genius of the Crimson Demons, of course I would know such a thing." I gave her a slightly skeptical look and said, "You didn't anwsered my question." She shook her head and said, "There's no time Y/N! I've come to you with a matter of top priority!"

I let out another tired yawn and said, "Fine. Just let me get dressed first." She gave me a thumbs-up as she gain a slight blush on her face before turning around. Once I was dressed, I grabbed my glasses and said, "Okay, you can turn around now."


Megumin: "Konosuba!"


Outside of Axel, I was walking with Megumin along a dirt path in the woods so she could use her magic. I spoke up and said, "So let me get this straight. You want me to help you with practicing your Explosion magic?" With completely straight face, Megumin replied, "Exactly. Only you are up to this tremendous task."

I yawned and said, "I have a question, though. Why so early in the morning?" She replied and said, "The path of explosions waits for no one, Y/N." I nodded and said, "Riiiight... But why me? Why not ask Kazuma, Aqua, or Darkness to go with you?" Megumin answered and said, "Darkness would probably just beg me to use my Explosion magic on her. Aqua is doing who knows what, and Kazuma is a perv. So that just leaves you." I sighed and said, "Well I guess you do have a point."

After that, we kept walking until we reached a random area away from the village and I said, "Can't you just do it here?" Megumin responded and said, "If I do, I will get scolded by the guardsmen again." I replied and said, "Yeah, that makes─ hold up, again? Have people been complaining about the noise or something?" Megumin nodded in response and I said, "Alrighty then, I guess we have no choice but to keep going."

We continued to walk until we both saw what looked like an abandoned castle on a clifftop in the distance. Megumin spoke up and said, "Is that an abandoned castle?" I nodded and said, "It's kinda eerie." Megumin replied and said, "I'll use that! Surely nobody will complain if I obliterate that!" I put a hand to my chin and said, "That's not a bad idea. Go for it."

Megumin gave me a smile before she held up her staff and began chanting, "Crimson-black blaze, king of myriad worlds, though I promulgate the laws of nature, I am the alias of destruction incarnate in accordance with the principles of all creation. Let the hammer of eternity descend unto me! EXPLOSION!"

Megumin was about to fall down on her face, but I managed to catch her as she said, "Burns to ashes within the crimson. This is fantastic..." And that's how my new daily routine with Megumin began.

Left dead broke, Aqua worked hard at her part-time job every day. Darkness said she was going to do weight training back at her family home for a while. Kazuma was looking for some good occasions to earn some money. Megumin and I, who had nothing particular to do, commuted to that abandoned castle every day and Megumin kept unleashing explosion magic on it.

We did this every day, no matter what the occasion was. Whether it was on a cold rainy evening, or a calm, early afternoon, right after lunch, or even an invigorating, early morning walk. Megumin unleashed magic upon that abandoned castle every day. I kept close, observing her magic, and eventually came to understand the quality of each day's explosion magic. But I also found myself enjoying my time with Megumin quite a lot.

Today was no different, as I heard Megumin call out loudly like she had on every previous day, "EXPLOSION!" I smiled and said, "It feels pretty good today. The explosion's shock waves practically reverberate through my flesh and bones, and yet the delayed vibration of the air seem to stroke my skin. Nice explosion!" I gave Megumin a thumbs-up which she returned as she repeated, "Nice explosion! How many points was it?" I smirked and said, "I'd give it 90 points, because there's always room for improvement." Megumin smiled happily and said, "You're right! You've come to understand the path of explosions, Y/N. How about it? Why not to learn explosion magic for real?"

I replied and said, "It'd be pretty cool, but remember what I said back at the Guild? I'm not sure if I'm even able to since I'm an Assassin. I haven't seen it pop up on my Adventurer Card yet. But I would like to learn Explosion magic someday. And I'm sure that you will be a great teacher." Megumin nodded and said, "That's a great way to look at it!"

We both laughed a bit before I said, "Okay, it's time to go. I woke up with a bit of a sore back, so no piggy back ride today." I paused briefly as I picked Megumin up bridal style, then continued, "However I can carry you this way. I-I mean if that's alright with y-you?" Megumin blushed lightly and said, "I don't mind it at all." I nodded and said, "R-right."

Megumin's POV

As Y/N carried me in his arms on our way back to Axel, I couldn't help but think about how safe I felt in his arms. Slowly, I felt myself start to fall asleep in Y/N's arms.

Your POV

Once I finally reached the town, I then realized that Megumin had fallen asleep. I felt myself begin to blush slightly as I woke her up and said, "Megumin, we're back in Axel." She opened her eyes and blushed as she realized that she had fallen asleep in my arms. She looked at me and said, "Um, Y/N. You can put me down now." I nodded and carefully let Megumin stand up on her own as I said, "S-sorry." She giggled softly and said, "It's okay, Y/N. Now can we go get something to eat?" I nodded and said, "Sure."

As we entered the Guild, I immediately heard a familiar voice cry out and say, "Don't take away my reason for being! You've got me for that! Isn't that enough?!" Megumin and I walked over to the table where Aqua was crying and I said, "Jeez, what happened to her?" Darkness answered and said, "Kazuma was verbal lashing her." Megumin responded and said, "Your verbal lashings are pretty nasty. Most women would cry if you said what was on your mind without holding back." Darkness chimed in and said, "If you are feeling stressed out, I wouldn't mind if you verbally abused me instead."

We then heard Luna's voice over the intercom speak out as she called out and exclaimed, "Emergency! Emergency! All adventurers, please arm yourselves at once and gather at the front gate, be ready for battle!" I raised an eyebrow and said, "What could it be this time?" Kazuma replied and said, "I really hope it's not the cabbages again." I straightened my glasses and followed Kazuma and the others towards the front gates.

Once we were all at the front gates, I saw a headless knight on a black headless horse. Aqua spoke first and said, "What is it?" Kazuma spoke next and said, "Hey, what's going on? He looks crazy strong!" I was somewhat bewildered and I said, "WHERE THE HELL IS THE HORSE'S HEAD?!"

Megumin laughed at my reaction briefly before the knight finally spoke up and said, "I am one of the Devil King's Generals who moved into a nearby castle recently."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

Spider's Bane And A Crimson Demon: Megumin X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now