Ch. 27 The Double Header

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3rd Person POV

It was a nice peaceful day at the mansion. The sun was shining. The birds were happily chirping. But not all good things last forever, as the peaceful atmosphere was ruined by a certain useless goddess, who cried out, "No! It's too cold to be out working! Why do you want to go out so bad?!"

Megumin answered and said, "I can't cast my Explosion Magic unless I'm outside!" Darkness chimed in and said, "Monsters become more active in spring, meaning more work for adventurers!" Aqua was clinging to the sofa like her life depended on it, while Megumin and Darkness were trying to pull her away from it and she said, "Are you two a couple of children wanting to play outside?! Go on, you don't need me!"

Megumin responded and said, "Who are you calling a child?!" Darkness added onto that and said, "You're acting more childish than anyone! Besides, if you keep this up..." Both of them spoke in unison as they glanced over their shoulder and said, "You'll end up like that." They were looking at Kazuma, who was laying under a kotatsu, while a napping Chomusuke was laying on top.

Aqua replied and said, "You compare me to a lazy loser under a kotatsu?" Kazuma spoke up from under the kotatsu and said, "Just how rude can you be? As even tempered as I am, I still get angry. Where do you get off on calling other people lazy?"


Your POV

Since Wiz was also a general in the Devil King's army, Kazuma and I both agreed that we had to tell her about Vanir. The two of us arrived at her store and stood in front of the door as I spoke up first and said, "Okay, I guess I'll tell her. It wasn't for long, but he and I shared a body. And to be honest, it was a bit fun. A part of me will kinda miss him." Kazuma replied and said, "Why the hell was it fun?" Ignoring him, I walked inside the store and said, "Hey, Wiz, there's something you should─" I was interrupted by none other than Vanir himself, who said, "Hello and welcome!"

Somehow, Vanir was in the store, wearing a pink apron over his suit, and he continued, "Now, boy who has used a magical mask before meeting yours truly, there's something you should know. 'A part of me will kinda miss him.' You see, we demons have no gender, so your statement was─ oh, my! The negative emotions of disappointment and annoyance...! Most savory!"

Kazuma and I turned to Wiz as she spoke up and said, "By the way, I heard all about it. Defeating Vanir has cleared those charges of yours, Kazuma. Congratulations!" Kazuma replied and said, "Alright, everyone's happy and all, but explain to us how this guy's still here after Y/N took care of him?" Vanir answered and said, "Take a good look at my mask, boy." He pointed to said mask, which had the roman numeral two engraved on it.

He then struck a pose befitting of a Crimson Demon and said, "I lost one of my extra lives making me Vanir II!" After getting some tea from Wiz, the two of us were sitting at a small table as Wiz explained, "Vanir actually wanted to leave his posi...

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He then struck a pose befitting of a Crimson Demon and said, "I lost one of my extra lives making me Vanir II!" After getting some tea from Wiz, the two of us were sitting at a small table as Wiz explained, "Vanir actually wanted to leave his position as a Demon King general, so he doesn't maintain the barrier around the castle anymore." Still feeling slightly unnerved, I asked, "So he's harmless? He won't wreak havoc in the city or something?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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Spider's Bane And A Crimson Demon: Megumin X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now