Ch. 14 The New Job

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Your POV

I woke up in a bed with someone's head resting on my chest. I immediately opened my eyes to see none other than Megumin cuddled up against me as she slept. As my face began to heat up, I noticed that we were both still wearing our clothes from yesterday. I slowly remembered that she had offered to let me sleep in her room at the inn for the night. I turned my head to the bedside table and grabbed my glasses.

Checking my watch, I decided that I should probably get going to my new job since I started today. I looked at Megumin's sleeping face and smiled at how cute she looked as she slept. I carefully got up without waking her up and I wrote her a quick note for whenever she did wake up. Then I quietly left the inn and headed to where my new job was.

I stopped outside of a place called Wiz's Magic Shop and took a deep breath before heading in. Behind the counter, there was a well-endowed woman in her early 20s with fair skin. She had brown eyes and straight brown hair reaching down to the front of her shoulders, further behind her back and slightly curling at the tips. She wore a light purple long dress under a dark purple hooded gambeson robe with golden props, and dark-purple boots. Over her robe, she had a golden cross brooch with bat wings. She looked at me and said, "Hello, welcome to my magic shop. How may I help you?"

I scratched the back of my neck nervously and said, "I take it that you must be Wiz, correct?" She nodded and said, "Yes. Wait, are you that adventurer who applied for the part-time job here?" I nodded and said, "Yeah, that's me. Is that position still available?" Wiz smiled and said, "Why, yes it is. All your job would consist of is helping me with keeping this place organized and tidy, as well as taking care of any customers that we get. Is that alright?" I nodded and said, "Sounds fine to me. But I'm still confused about why this place isn't super busy. Or why nobody's ever mentioned this place before?"

Wiz looked to the side and said, "Well, you see, I have a tendency to be a bit clumsy and forgetful at times, and I don't always think it through when it comes to buying shipments of new magical items. As a result, most of the items here are either too expensive and high level for this rookie town, or they have a significant flaw to them." I nodded and said, "I see, well don't worry about it, Wiz. Besides, nobody's perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. I'll still take the job. My name is Y/N." Wiz smiled and said, "Oh, thank you, Y/N. I appreciate it very much." I smiled as I began by sweeping the floor.

Megumin's POV

I woke up expecting to see Y/N's handsome sleeping face, but he wasn't anywhere in the room. He had left his sword, Sting, by my staff against the wall, but his glasses were gone. I saw that there was a note in the same spot that his glasses had been. I picked it up and read it.

I smiled and got up from the bed

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I smiled and got up from the bed. Then I got myself ready for the day.

Your POV

Spider's Bane And A Crimson Demon: Megumin X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now