Ch. 10 A Caged Goddess And A Cursed Sword

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Your POV

We were sitting at our usual table in the Guild when Aqua suddenly slammed her fists on the table and shouted, "I've had enough! I'm so sick of being in debt! We need a quest! I don't care if it's a hard one. I want money!" Darkness responded meekly and said, "I... I don't mind going on a quest."

Aqua began yelling desperately, clinging onto Kazuma's clothes as she cried, "P-Please, Kazuma! I'm sick of working part time in the shopping district! I'll work hard! W-We can choose a quest on which you will not have to do anything! I'll do all the work!"

Kazuma spoke up and said, "Hey, sooner or later, I'm going to run out of money too. So what the heck, go pick out a quest and we'll go with you." Aqua stood up and gave Kazuma a salute as she said, "Yes sir!" Then Aqua then happily trotted over to the quest board.

Not hiding her concern, Megumin spoke up from beside me and said, "Can we really trust Aqua with this?" I chimed in and said, "I concur. She'll likely bring a suicide quest." Darkness replied excitedly and said, "I'd be okay with something a bit unreasonable!" I rolled my eyes and said, "Of course you would!" Kazuma got up from the table and said, "Hmm, I think I'm gonna check on her."

After a few minutes of chatting, we noticed that the two of them were still missing and I said, "What's taking them so long? Maybe I'll go check on them too." I got up and walked over to the quest board, but they weren't here. I began to look around and eventually found them by the reception desk. I approached them and said, "Oi, what's taking so long?" Kazuma replied and said, "Hm? Ah, Aqua surprisingly got us a pretty decent quest, but there is one problem though. However, I already know how to solve it."


Aqua: "Konosuba."


Our new quest was to purify a lake that was inhabited by wild alligators. We were going along a dirt road some distance away from Axel, while Aqua was sitting inside a cage with iron bars, that was being pulled by a horse. The cage was Kazuma's solution to protect Aqua while she was purifying the lake. We just had to sit back and watch as Aqua purifies the lake for half a day. As we continued our trip to the lake, I heard Aqua speak up and say, "I feel like some rare monster that's on its way to being sold."

After we arrived at the lake, we put the cage, with Aqua inside, in the lake. For extra measure, Kazuma also tied the cage with a chain to a nearby rock. I was now standing alongside Megumin, Kazuma, and Darkness, with my hands on my hips. The plan was for Aqua to touch and purify the water from inside the cage, so she'd be safe from any attacking monsters. Kazuma then called out to Aqua and said, "Aqua! Tell us if anything happens! We'll reel you in, cage and all!" Aqua replied and said, "Now I know what it's like to be a teabag left to sit for too long..."

2 Hours Later

So far the past two hours had been rather calm. Darkness spoke up and said, "No monsters are showing up." Megumin nodded and said, "Seems like it." I replied in agreement and said, "It's been calm, that's a good sign at the very least."

Kazuma then spoke up and said, "Hey Y/N, don't you think that Megumin is being more reserved today?" I raised an eyebrow at him and said, "What do you mean?" Kazuma replied and said,"Well normally, she'd say something chunni-ish and try to blow the lake to smithereens." Darkness responded and said, "Oh, that's true." I was about to answer them, but I didn't get the chance as Megumin spoke up and said, "Is that the impression you three have of me?! My Explosion Magic isn't to be used on the likes of mere alligators!" Kazuma replied and said, "You always fire it off all over the place for no reason..." I finally spoke up and said, "That isn't true."

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