Ch. 6 Cabbages?

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Your POV

As everyone else sat down, I stood up and said, "I need some air." Kazuma and Megumin both looked at me and Kazuma said, "Dude, I said I was sorry." I waved it off and said, "I know, and it's not that. I just need to clear my head a bit. That little incident just brought up a couple bad memories from my childhood." Kazuma nodded slowly and gave me a look of sympathy as he said, "Oh, I see. I'm sorry for that." I smiled weakly and said, "Don't worry about it. I just need a few minutes to clear my mind."

I slowly made my way out of the Guild and took a few deep breaths once I got outside. I knew it wasn't really Kazuma's fault that I was briefly reminded of one of the times I had gotten bullied back in elementary school. I tooked a couple more deep breaths and decided to walk around the city for a bit.

After awhile, I decided to head back to the Guild and meet up with the others. As I started on my way there, I suddenly heard the loud voice of receptionist Luna, yelling through some sort of speaker or intercom as she said, "Emergency quest! Emergency quest! All adventurers, assemble at the front gate immediately!"

I quickly made my way to the front gate. I noticed that as I ran through town, a lot of people not participating in the quest seemed very disstressed. Some barricaded their homes; some picked up their playing children and hurried home. I couldn't stop thinking one thing: Just what exactly are we going up against?

Once I arrived at the front gate, I found Kazuma and the others. As I joined up with them, Kazuma said, "Oh, Y/N. Look, I really am sorry for earlier." I smiled and said, "Don't worry about it. I'm passed that."

Kazuma nodded, and we both quickly focused on the green cloud slowly making its way towards us, over the horizon. Then Kazuma said, "Oi, what is it? Is it a monster attack?!" Aqua, who was carrying a big basket in her hands, answered and said, "Weren't you listening? It's cabbages. Cabbages!" I nodded and said, "She's right. Neither of us were listening, Kazu─ Sorry, did you just say cabbages?"

Megumin made a pose as her levels of chuuni went through the roof as she said, "The storm approaches." Every adventurer around us cheered and said, "Harvest time!" Aqua cheered out as she said, "Bring out the mayonnaise!"

" Every adventurer around us cheered and said, "Harvest time!" Aqua cheered out as she said, "Bring out the mayonnaise!"

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Apparently cabbages fly in this world. Once they reach optimal flavor and the harvest season approaches, they migrate to a secluded region and die in peace uneaten. Kazuma and I both shared a confused and unimpressed look and he said, "Can I just go back to bed?"

We then heard Luna's voice over the intercom speak once more as she announced, "Adventurers! This year's cabbage season is in full swing! Every cabbage will go for 10,000 Eris per head!" I rested my hand on Sting's hilt as I gained a look of determination on my face and said, "Challenge accepted."

I charged towards the horde of cabbages as Darkness approached Kazuma and started one of her monologues again. I unsheathed Sting and started slashing aimlessly at anything that was green and moving fast.

After some time of dodging and slashing, I looked to my right, and I saw Darkness, slashing aimlessly just like me, but the difference was that she didn't land a single hit on the cabbages. I activated my [Vanish] skill to avoid being spotted as I began to take out multiple cabbages with the help of [Deadly Backstab].

But then I noticed something very concerning near the front gate. Megumin had her staff pointed exactly at the area where both Darkness and I were. I was sure Darkness would be fine, but me? I didn't have the same level of Defense or defensive skills as Darkness. I also didn't have any armor. So I started running to hopefully get myself a safer distance from the epicenter of the spell Megumin was most likely to use. I managed to get close enough that I could hear Megumin chanting. I couldn't fully understand what she said, but I definietly knew the spell as she yelled, "Explosion!"

Without even thinking, I did a tuck-and-roll onto the ground, hoping my glasses wouldn't break. But despite being a decent distance away from the explosion, it was still so loud that my ears began ringing. Then the shockwave hit, which sent me straight into the town's wall. I slammed into the wall and in the process, my skill deactivated. I fell onto the ground, slowly falling unconscious. The last thing I saw before blacking out was Megumin falling to the ground after casting her spell, and Kazuma running to check on me.




When I regained consciousness, I was lying at one of the Guild's tables. Kazuma, Megumin, Aqua, and Darkness were all sitting by the same table eating stir-fried cabbage. Megumin was the first one to notice the small movement I made and she gasped, saying, "Y/N's awake!" Kazuma replied smugly and said, "Ah, so he wasn't dead after all." I held my head as I sat up and said, "Yeah, I'm not giving up that easily."

Megumin looked away and said, "I'm sorry for releasing my Explosion magic so close to you, Y/N." I placed my hand on her shoulder and said, "It's alright. I'm okay, aren't I?" She nodded slowly and said, "Yeah, but I could've killed you." I smiled at her and said, "But you didn't, so focus on that." Megumin nodded and said, "Right. Oh, wait. You might want these back." She pulled something out of her pocket and placed it in my hand. I smiled and said, "My glasses! Thanks, Megumin."

After some catching up, I got my own portion of the cabbage and was enjoying it. Everyone was happily chatting and sharing their experience of the cabbage hunt. Aqua spoke up at one point and said, "Our party's roster is pretty impressive! We have me, an Arch Priest, Megumin, an Arch Wizard, Y/N, an Assasin and Darkness is a Crusader. There aren't many parties where four out of five people have an advanced class."

Everyone shared a heartwarming smile, except for Kazuma who just looked at the floor, depressed. I gave him a pat on the back and said, "Hey, while you may not be an Advanced class, you're still a great asset to the party, Kazuma." He smiled and said, "Thanks, Y/N." I nodded as I thought to myself, I guess this is where my adventure really begins. I looked at Megumin. She looked back at me and gave me the most precious smile I've ever seen.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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