Ch. 25 Darkness' Marriage Situation

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Your POV

It was another cold morning. I woke up with Megumin still fast asleep as she continued snuggling into my bare chest. I had become used to this every morning since I first slept without my tank top on, not to mention that she was also snuggling so close to me due to my body heat keeping her warm as well during the cold mornings. After Megumin had woken up, we both started getting ready for day. I put my uniform on like usual, but due to the chill in the air, I also put on my blazer. Leaving the tie in the wardrobe, I turned to leave the room and head downstairs. But I stopped when I heard Megumin speak up as she said, "Hey, Y/N? Can I ask you to help me with something real quick?"

As I turned around, I replied and said, "What is it?" Now facing her, I saw that Megumin was fully dressed but she hadn't put her usual white bandages around her right leg. I also saw that she had her hands full as she kept Chomusuke from playing with the roll of bandages and Megumin said, "Would you mind helping me with my leg wrap?" I blushed lightly and said, "Are y-you sure?" She nodded and said, "Please?" I nodded and said, "Okay. If you insist." Blushing a bit more, I began to gently wrap her leg in the white bandages. As I got further up towards her thigh, I could feel myself blushing even more. Then she said, "That's good right there, Y/N." I cut it off the rest of bandage roll and tucked the end under the layer near the top, holding it in place.

Blushing heavily, I stood back up and said, "Is it t-too loose or too t-tight?" Megumin stood up and said, "Nope, it's perfect! Thanks, Y/N!" I nodded nervously and said, "N-no problem." Megumin sighed and said, "Y/N, you don't need to feel so embarrassed about doing that. You were actually quite gentle with it. Chomusuke was just getting in my way when I was trying to do it." Megumin then reached up and kissed me on the cheek, before she added, "Besides, if it were anyone else, I would've asked them to hold Chomusuke for me instead." I nodded and said, "R-right. Sorry." Megumin sighed again and said, "It's alright, Y/N. I love you. With that, comes trust." I took a deep breath and said, "You're right. Now let's head downstairs." Megumin smiled and said, "Agreed. And here, this will help calm your nerves." She held out Chomusuke, who crooked her head and let out a curious "Mreow?"

I smiled and took Chomusuke from her and said, "Thanks, Megu. You're the best." Megumin chuckled and said, "Hehe... Of course I am!" I kissed her head and replied, "I love you." She smiled as her eyes glowed a bit for a moment before we headed out of the room.

Upon entering the living room, I saw that Aqua was stitching Kazuma's tracksuit with a big bump on her head. Crouched over her was Kazuma, so I assumed that he was the cause of the bump on her head. But knowing Aqua, she probably deserved it. Megumin and I sat down on the floor as I began petting Chomusuke, who was laying in my lap.

Aqua and Kazuma began arguing about the expensive bottle of booze that Kazuma had found in Aqua's room. After a couple more minutes, Chomusuke decided to climbed up onto my shoulder and get herself situated.

Suddenly, the door to the room slammed open and a woman wearing quite the expensive dress walked in. The woman who barged inside had long blonde hair and blue eyes, not to mention that she looked identical to Darkness. The woman then said, "Trouble, Kazuma! Y/N! Major trouble!" Kazuma spoke up first and said, "Who are you?"

The woman hugged herself with a blush on her face as she moaned loudly and said, "Kazuma! Can't you save this play for later?!" Now that I was absolutely certain about who it was, I said, "Hello, Darkness." Kazuma blinked and said, "Oh yeah, it is her. We were so worried!" Aqua hugged our missing companion with tears in her eyes as she cried out, "Darkness!" Megumin spoke up next and walked up to Darkness as she said, "Welcome back, Darkness."

Darkness replied and said, "It's good to be back. Wait, what's with the cat?" Megumin responded and said compassionately, "I won't ask what happened. First, go take a nice, long bath, and let your body and soul recover..." Confused, Darkness replied and said, "Huh, what are you talking about?" Aqua examined Darkness' new dress and said, "...This is an expensive dress... no doubt about it."

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