Ch. 3 Chomusuke And New Friends

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Your POV

After about a day and a half, I had finished taking out those goblins, which wasn't very easy since I was by myself. It also didn't help that there were more goblins then the farmer was initially aware of, so it took me longer to finish them off. Luckily, I wasn't caught off guard from the goblins when I got near them since Sting's blade had started glowing blue about 30 seconds before any of the goblins attacked. By the time I had returned to the Guild to turn in the quest, 3 full days had passed and it was already mid-afternoon of the 4th day.

After I had turned in the quest to Luna and received the reward of 250,000 Eris, I went to a nearby inn and rented myself a room for the next couple days. I dropped off Sting, my tie, and my blazer in my room, and made my way back to the Guild to get something to eat.

I sat down at a table and a waitress approached me to take my order. I looked at the menu and ordered myself a bit of steak, especially since it was one of the things that I enjoyed back home. Home, I thought to myself. I hope my parents are doing okay even though I'm gone. I just wish I could've seen them one more time. I let out a sigh and then saw the waitress returning with my food. I thanked her and began to eat.

As I finished eating, I felt a something brush up against my leg under the table. I leaned back and looked down to see a small black cat with a red cross-shaped marking on her forehead and bat-like wings. The cat looked up at me with a cute little smile as I slowly reached down to pet it. I watched as it rubbed its face against my hand and allowed me to gently pick it up. I smiled at the cat and said, "Hello, you adorable little ball of fur. Where did you come from?" As I began to gently pet its soft fur, the feline let out a cute little "Nyaaa." I chuckled lightly and said, "Well, I'm not sure what you said, but you're still adorable nonetheless."

I then heard someone approach me from behind and felt a tap on my shoulder

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I then heard someone approach me from behind and felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a young girl with shoulder-length dark brown hair and mesmerizing crimson-colored eyes. She had fair skin and a light complexion. She was wearing classical witch attire such as a black cloak, a red robe, orange boots and a black wizard's hat, all with gold border and trimmings, alongside black choker, belt and fingerless gloves.

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