Ch. 4 Megumin's Explosion Magic

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As we arrived in the field, I immediately noticed one of the giant toads that Kazuma had mentioned. It looked exactly like a normal everyday toad, except for the fact that it was giant like the name had suggested. Megumin then spoke up and said, "Explosion magic is the strongest magic, but that means it takes time to prepare. Please keep that toad at bay until my preparations are complete."

Kazuma nodded and said, "Right! I'll do it!" I gave her a thumbs-up and said, "You can count on us!" Aqua spoke up and said, "Guys! There is another one over there!" We turned to see another giant toad hopping over towards us and I said, "That seems to even out the our odds a bit." Kazuma nodded and said, "You know, I didn't notice all the colors they come in."

Kazuma and I snapped back to reality as Aqua cried out and said, "Guys!" Kazuma nodded and said, "Right. Megumin, target the one in the distance. Y/N, you stay here with Megumin!" Megumin replied and said, "Understood." I nodded and said, "You got it." Kazuma continued and said, "As for the closer one... Hey, let's go Aqua! You are a former something-or-other, right? Show off some of your former ability." Aqua responded and said, "What do you mean 'former'?! I am a goddess! Present tense!" Megumin repeated and said confused, "Goddess?" Kazuma just dismissed it and said, "Oh, she likes to call herself that. It's rather sad. I tried to get her to stop, but it is proven less than successful."

Megumin shook her head sadly and replied, "How sad..." Aqua cried out in response and said, "W-what?! Y/N! Say something! Tell them that I am a goddess! She looked at me with hope in her eyes and I said, "I have no idea what you're talking about, Aqua."

Aqua groaned and said, "These frogs may be strong against physical attacks, but this time for sure..." She just ran off towards one of them and said, "Watch this, you three! I'll show you the power of goddess today for sure! Tremble before me and fall asleep! God Requiem! 'God Requiem' is a goddess's requiem of love and sorrow! Any it strike will perish!" Aqua then hit the toad with her special punch, but it didn't do anything to the toad at all.

" She just ran off towards one of them and said, "Watch this, you three! I'll show you the power of goddess today for sure! Tremble before me and fall asleep! God Requiem! 'God Requiem' is a goddess's requiem of love and sorrow! Any it strike will...

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The toad bit down on Aqua and lift her into the air, trying to swallow her. Kazuma and I watched it with disappointment and he said, "That's a goddess for you. She put her life on the line to buy us some time." I rolled my eyes and said, "A noble sacrifice."

We both suddenly felt a pressure change from behind us and turned to see Megumin casting her spell as she said, "Darkness blacker than black and darker than dark, I beseech thee, combine with my deep crimson. The time of awakening cometh. Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary, appear now as an intangible distortion! Dance, Dance, Dance! I desire for my torrent of power a destructive force: a destructive force without equal! Return all creation to cinders, and come from the abyss! This is the mightiest means of attack known to man, the ultimate attack magic! EXPLOSION!!"

Kazuma and I had to protect ourselves from the dirt that was kicked up from the explosion. When it was done, all there was left was the crater from where the toad use to be. We both stood there in awe as Kazuma said, "Wow... so this is magic. That explosion was amazing!" I smiled and said, "It was awesome!!"

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