Ch. 17 I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghosts!

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Your POV

As Kazuma, Darkness, Megumin, and I finally finished the last of the cleaning up, Kazuma said, "And that's the cleaning done for now." Darkness spoke up and said, "We've already picked out our rooms, and carried in our bags, so all that's left is to wait for the ghosts to show up."

Kazuma nodded and said, "There's too much dang dust though, we should open a window up and let some fresh air in." I watched as Kazuma opened the window, the two of us then both saw Aqua still telling the background of the mansion by herself outside. Kazuma gave her a few seconds before he turned his head towards me with a flat expression on his face. I gave him a single nod before he then closed the window and said, "Alright, everyone's free to do as they please, Call out as soon as an evil spirit shows up. Dismissed!"

I yawned and said, "This will be an easy night." Darkness and Megumin both looked at me confused and Megumin said, "What makes you say that, Y/N?" I shrugged and said, "Well, whatever spirits or ghosts are haunting this place, I know that they aren't dangerous. If they were, then my sword would've been glowing blue the moment we entered the mansion." They both nodded in agreement before I added with a smirk, "Besides, I ain't afraid of no ghosts."

I went up to my room and got changed in the pajamas that I had bought back when I had gotten my adventurer outfit. It was nothing more than a tank top and a pair of shorts. I laid down on the bed and noticed that it was a bit more comfortable than the ones at the inn. I set my glasses on the bedside table and closed my eyes as I felt myself quickly begin to drift off to sleep.


Y/N: "Konosuba."


I was woken back up as I felt something gently shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes to see a familiar pair of crimson eyes staring at me through the darkness.

I looked at Megumin and said, "Megumin? What is it?" She looked off to the side and said, "I need to use the restroom, but there's a bunch of creepy dolls in the hallway

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I looked at Megumin and said, "Megumin? What is it?" She looked off to the side and said, "I need to use the restroom, but there's a bunch of creepy dolls in the hallway." I grabbed my glasses and said, "So you're wondering if I'll go with you so you'll feel safer?" She nodded slowly and said, "Yeah..." I sat up and said, "If it'll make you feel better, I don't mind going with you." Megumin smiled cutely and said, "Thanks, Y/N."

I smiled and said, "You're more than welcome, Megumin

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I smiled and said, "You're more than welcome, Megumin."

As we entered the hallway, I saw a bunch of dolls staring at us from down the hall. I spoke up and said, "Yeah, those are pretty creepy looking dolls, but I'm not easily scared by something like that." Megumin looked at me a bit surprised for a moment and I gave her a reassuring smile as I added, "Besides, Aqua is probably still out exorcising spirits in the mansion, isn't she?" Megumin nodded and said, "I'm sure that Darkness is with her then." I nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, despite how she is, she's still a crusader."

With that said, the two of us made our way down the hall until we finally reached one of the bathrooms. Megumin entered the bathroom while I stood guard outside for any dolls. After a brief moment of silence, I heard Megumin's voice call out from the other side of the door and ask, "Y/N? Are you there?" I answered and said, "Yeah... I'm here."

I could tell that she was still a bit on edge as she then asked, "Are you really there?" I sighed and said, "Yes, I'm really here, Megu! Don't worry about those dolls." She responded and said, "You're really there for me, right?" I did my best to keep my composure as I replied, "Of course I am! I always am! So calm down a bit, and take care of your business." She let out what sounded like a sigh and said, "So this is a little embarassing, could you sing a song or tell a story for me?"

Unprepared for that request, I was speechless for a moment before I replied and said, "I don't know any stories off the top of my head, but I g-guess I could sing a song if it'll make you feel b-better." She replied and said, "I'd like that." I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and began to sing.

As I had finished singing the shorter version of the song, I heard Megumin exit the bathroom. I opened my eyes and immediately noticed a huge blockade of dolls that were preventing us from going back the way we came. Not only that, but the blockade seemed to be advancing towards us. That was actually a bit terrifying to see.

Thinking quickly, I grabbed Megumin's hand and said, "Come on!" I led us to a storage room that was dark and dusty. Closing the door behind me, I said, "We'll hide in here until that blockade of dolls passes." Then I heard Megumin start to mumble as her eyes began glowing, "Darkness, blacker than black, and darker than dark..." Cutting her off, I pulled her close to my chest in the hope of making her feel less scared. I looked at her and whispered, "Oi! Firecracker, calm down!" She looked up at me as I continued and said, "I'm not going to let those creepy dolls get either of us, I promise."

After a few more minutes of absolute silence, I looked at Megumin and said, "The dolls most likely have passed us by now, so we should be in the clear. I'm going to take a look. If the dolls are gone, then we'll head back to our room. If not, we'll stay in here until Aqua can take care of them. Sound good?" Megumin nodded hesitantly in response before I slowly opened the door.

Peeking out from the storage room, I saw that the dolls were nowhere to be found. I turned to Megumin and gave her a thumbs-up, letting her know that the coast was clear and we both exited our hiding place. As we made our way back towards our room, we came across Darkness, who was holding a duster. Darkness spoke up first and said, "Y/N? Megumin? You two alright?" I nodded and said, "Megumin's a bit shaken up, but I'm fine. You?"

Darkness replied and said, "I'm alright. Aqua's purified a good majority of the mansion already. She just ran in the direction that you two were coming from." I raised an eyebrow and said, "Really? We must've missed her because we haven't seen her nor Kazuma since we all parted ways earlier."

The three of us all heard a banging noise from down the hall behind us. We headed that way and found Aqua lying unconscious on the floor in front of Kazuma, who was standing in a doorway to a different storage room. We then figured out that Aqua had purified the spirits that had been blockading the door that Kazuma was behind and got hit when he opened it, knocking her out as a result. With the spirits taken care of, I let out a yawn and said, "Well, that wasn't such a chore now, was it?"

The next day, while Megumin and I headed off to do her daily Explosion, the others went to Luna to complete our mission and to get our reward. On the way back to the mansion, Megumin spoke up and said, "Hey, Y/N. I want to thank you for being there for me last night and keeping me safe from the dolls." I smiled and replied, "Don't mention it. I'd do anything to make you feel better."

She snuggled her head against me happily and said, "By the way, what was that song that you sang last night?" I answered and said, "That song was from a fictional series that my sword, Sting, was originally from. The song is called the Misty Mountains Cold, but I sang the shorter version of it." Megumin responded and asked, "Could you maybe sing the full version of it for me as we head back?" I smiled and said, "Sure." With that said, I began to sing.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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