Ch. 23 Partners In Slime

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Your POV

When the knights took our stuff, I was fortunate enough to exempt from them taking my adventurer outfit and my sword due to my previous cooperation with them at the time of our arrest. But other than that, I was in the same boat as the others. The main difference was that I didn't have to fight for my other clothes like Kazuma did for his tracksuit. That night was a cold one, but I cuddled up with Megumin as we used her cape as a blanket and my blazer as a makeshift pillow.

The next day, I was coming back from Wiz's shop after I had worked my morning shift. I decided to also purchase something for Megumin before I headed back to the mansion. As I reached the front of the mansion, I saw that Megumin had returned and she was holding a familiar black cat with a red cross-shaped marking on its forehead. I went over to her and said, "Hey, you found Chomusuke! I missed that adorable little kitty." Megumin smiled and said, "I figured that since we live in the mansion now, it'd be best if Chomusuke was here as well." I nodded and said, "I couldn't agree more."

As I followed her inside, we both heard Aqua and Kazuma scream loudly about something. Upon entering the living room, Chomusuke broke up the tense atmosphere with a soft meow. Kazuma looked in our direction and said, "Y/N? Megumin? What's with the cat?" Megumin replied and said, "I don't think she'll cause too much trouble, so." Kazuma figured where she was going with this and said, "You wanna keep her?" Megumin nodded and asked, "Is that alright?"

Aqua went to try and pet it before the cat immediately scratched her. She cried out and said, "Ow! Why did she only scratch me?!Unbelievable! Between the black fur and the attitude, I can sense some sort of dark aura!" The rest of us ignored Aqua as Megumin handed Chomusuke to me and said, "She's Chomusuke. Anyway, what were you two screaming about?"

Kazuma replied and said, "It's Darkness! She's still with that damn lord!" I raised an eyebrow and said, "So...? What's the problem?" Megumin added onto that and said, "There's a lot of bad rumors about him but I doubt that Darkness could─" Kazuma cut her off and said, "You don't get what the problem is with Darkness, especially with how freaking kinky she can be! I know exactly what she would do! She'd definitely say something like, 'You can do what you want with my body... But don't think you'll have your way with my heart!'"

I rolled my eyes doubtfully and sighed as Megumin replied, "Wh-Wh-What should we do?! Darkness is in danger!" I spoke up and said, "I highly doubt that Darkness is in any sort of danger. I believe the only thing we can do is wait for her to come back..." Thankfully the discussion was cut off there as we heard a familiar voice call out from the front door and say, "Kazuma Satou! Is Kazuma Satou here?!"


Sena: "Konosuba."


3rd Person POV

In the snowy fields outside of town, Aqua was being chased by a giant pink toad. A pink one. From afar, Kazuma watched with a deadpan face. Behind him was Sena, who was staring straight at Kazuma as Aqua cried out, "Nooooo!! I don't wanna! I don't wanna be toad food! Not again!"

So, while Aqua was trying to free Kazuma and Y/N from prison, Megumin was casting explosion all over the place. Also, that's the reason they're there in the first place. The giant toads that were hibernating woke up due to that. In a sense, Aqua's fixing the problem she caused. Kazuma thought to himself, The toads haven't slowed down despite the cold, I think they are a bit too hardy. More importantly, Y/N hasn't slowed down either.

Your POV

I was surrounded by toads, and I kept doing my best to take them out, using various slashes and swipes with Sting, only for another toad to replace the one that I just killed. I groaned and said, "These damn toads just keep on coming!" Megumin called out and said, "We can't be outdone! We must get much stronger in order to survive in this cruel world."

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